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Collaborate with Gemini in Google Sheets

Important: This is an experimental feature rolling out through the Gemini Business and Gemini Enterprise Alpha, and may not be available to you.

This feature is also available through our early access testing program, Google Workspace Labs.

In Google Sheets, you can ask Gemini to help you:

  • Create tables.
  • Create formulas.
  • Summarize your emails and files from Drive and Gmail.

This feature is currently available on desktop.

Use the Gemini in Sheets side panel

An animation that shows someone asking Gemini in Sheets to create a trip plan for a vacation to a national park

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet from Google Sheets.
  2. At the top right, click Ask Gemini .
  3. To make the side panel bigger, click Expand .
    • To go back to its original size, click Collapse .
  4. At the bottom of the panel, you can select from suggested prompts or write your own.
  5. From the generated content, you can:
    • To show all of the suggested content, click View more More.
    • To show less, click View less .
    • To generate new content, click Retry .
    • To add the suggested content to the spreadsheet, click Insert .
      • Before clicking Insert, place your cursor where you want the content to be inserted in your spreadsheet.
    • To refine the generated content, write a new prompt
  6. To close the panel, click Close Close.

Summarize spreadsheet with Gemini

When you open a spreadsheet that has data, in the side panel, you’ll find a summary of your spreadsheet.

You can:

  • To show the whole summary of the suggested content, click View more.
  • To send feedback about the suggested text, click Good suggestion or Bad suggestion .

You can also ask Gemini to:

  • Understand your spreadsheet better. Examples of prompt:
    • “Summarize this spreadsheet.”
    • “Explain this spreadsheet like I'm 5 years old.”

Create tables with Gemini

You can use Gemini to create tables in Sheets.

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet from Google Sheets.
  2. At the top right, click Ask Gemini .
  3. In the side panel, select a prompt or create your own. Examples of prompt:
    • “Create a table for a full day team event”
    • “Create a trip plan for a vacation in a national park”
    • “Create a social media tracker for marketing”
  4. Press Enter.
  5. (Optional):
    • To add the table to your spreadsheet, click Insert .
    • To see a different version, click Retry .
    • To refine before inserting a table, you can add follow-up prompts. Examples of prompt:
      • “Add another 5 rows of different activities”
      • “Add a column for cost”
    • To send feedback about the suggested table, click Good suggestion or Bad suggestion .

Create formulas with Gemini

You can use Gemini to generate formulas in Sheets.

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet from Google Sheets.
  2. At the top right, click Ask Gemini .
  3. In the side panel, create your own prompt using references from your sheet, or generic cell names. Examples of prompt:
    • “Create a formula that divides goals by games”
    • “Create a formula to find cell C1 in range D:G and output value in column G”
  4. (Optional):
    • To add the formula to your spreadsheet, click the cell you’d like to insert this formula, click Insert .
    • To see a different version, click Retry .
    • To send feedback about the suggested table, click Good suggestion or Bad suggestion .
Tip: To get the best results when generating formulas, make sure your cursor is placed in a cell within the range of data you want to use

Summarize your Drive files with Gemini

You can use Gemini to reference files from your Drive to generate responses in Sheets.

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet from Google Sheets.
  2. At the top right, click Ask Gemini .
  3. In the side panel, ask Gemini to use your Drive files to generate text.
    • Example: “What are the main points of: Meeting Notes: Core Team sync.”
  4. To check which files were used, below the response, click Expand and then Sources.
  5. (Optional):
    • To add the text to your spreadsheet, click Insert .
    • To view an another version, click Retry .
    • To send feedback about the suggested text, click Good suggestion or Bad suggestion .

Summarize your Gmail emails with Gemini

You can use Gemini to reference emails you sent to generate responses.

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet from Google Sheets.
  2. At the top right, click Gemini in Sheets side panel .
  3. In the side panel, provide your prompt asking Gemini to reference Gmail email(s).
    • Example: “Catch me up on the latest Monthly Review emails.”
  4. To check which files were used, below the response, click Expand and then Sources
  5. (Optional):
    • To add the text to your spreadsheet, click Insert .
    • To generate a new suggestion, click Retry .
    • To send feedback about the suggested text, click Good suggestion or Bad suggestion .

Give feedback on generated output

Gemini for Google Workspace is constantly learning and may not be able to support your request.

If you get a suggestion that’s inaccurate or that you feel is unsafe, you can let us know by submitting feedback.

  1. Below the generated text, click Good suggestion or Bad suggestion .
  2. If you click Bad suggestion , you can select the issue you find and enter additional feedback.
  3. Click Submit.

To provide general feedback on this feature, at the top, go to Help and then Help Sheets improve.

To report a legal issue, create a request.

Clear history with the Gemini in Sheets side panel

To remove all generated text or images that you haven’t imported to the spreadsheet, you can clear your Gemini history at any time.

  1. On your computer, at the top right of the Gemini in Sheets side panel, click Clear history .
  2. In the pop-up window, click Clear.

You’ll also lose your conversation history:

  • If you refresh your browser
  • If you close and reopen the spreadsheet
  • If your computer goes offline

Tip: To avoid losing your history, import generated output in the spreadsheet.

Learn about Gemini feature suggestions

  • Gemini feature suggestions don’t represent Google’s views, and should not be attributed to Google.
  • Don’t rely on Gemini features as medical, legal, financial or other professional advice.
  • Gemini features may suggest inaccurate or inappropriate information. Your feedback makes Gemini more helpful and safe.
  • Enterprise end users can submit feedback about their experience using this feature. End users are informed before they submit feedback that the feedback data shouldn’t contain personal, sensitive, or confidential information.

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