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Bulk upload display, video, and audio creatives

To save time, you can upload up to 100 HTML5, image, video, or audio creatives at once. The bulk upload steps below only work for creatives that are hosted on Display & Video 360.

When you bulk upload, you'll upload all of the creative assets and provide the creative details that you enter when you create a single creative in Display & Video 360. There are two ways to do this:

  • Upload your assets, then enter the creative details directly in Display & Video 360 as you bulk upload.
  • Download a spreadsheet template, enter creative details, then upload both the spreadsheet and the assets.

Option 1: Upload creative assets and enter creative details without a spreadsheet

If you prefer not to create a spreadsheet, you can upload your creative assets, then fill in the required creative details during bulk upload.

  1. Open your advertiser and click Creatives in the left menu.
  2. Click New > Bulk add creatives, then select a creative type (AudioHTML5 or image, or Video).
  3. Upload your creative assets by dragging and dropping them, or click Browse to select files from your computer.
  4. Display & Video 360 will display the list of creative assets you uploaded. Each row represents a creative. Assign assets to the right column for each creative.
  5. When you're done, review and edit your bulk upload.

Option 2: Fill out a bulk upload spreadsheet

The bulk upload spreadsheet template allows you to enter all of the creative details and asset names at once, then create all the creatives in Display & Video 360 with a single upload. To create your spreadsheet:

  1. Open your advertiser, then click Creatives in the left menu.
  2. Click New > Bulk add creatives, then select a creative type (AudioHTML5 or image, or Video).
  3. Click Download template to download a blank spreadsheet that includes column headers for each creative field in Display & Video 360.
  4. Add a new row for each creative and enter that creative's details. For help figuring out what to enter, read the detailed descriptions of each field below.
  5. (Optional) Add your own columns to the spreadsheet to track other creative notes and details. Any extra columns will be ignored during upload, as long as all the columns are included and in the same order as in the template.
  6. When your spreadsheet is complete, export it as a CSV file with UTF-8 encoding so that Display & Video 360 can process your upload. Excel files (.xls, .xlsx) are not supported.
  7. Go back to Display & Video 360 and upload both the spreadsheet file and all of the required creative assets. For example, if you're uploading multiple HTML5 creatives, you'll need to upload each creative's .zip file.
  8. When you're done, review and edit your bulk upload.

Download a template

Templates are in CSV format.

Creative Type Download Link
Audio Download template
Display Download template
Video Download template

Columns in the spreadsheet template

To bulk upload audio, video, or display creatives, your spreadsheet must include these column headers. For each creative row, you can leave optional columns blank if they're not needed.


These details are required for each creative you include in the bulk upload spreadsheet.

Creative name The name of the new creative in Display & Video 360.
Click-through URL The landing page URL the user is sent to when clicking on the creative.


(Display only) The width and height of the creative (for example: “300x250”). For responsive creatives that support multiple sizes, separate multiple sizes with a comma (for example: “300x250,728x90,160x600”).
Main asset file name

The name of the main creative file.

  • For display creatives, enter the full name of the zip or image file (for example, “”).
  • For video creatives, enter the full name of the primary video file (for example, “videoname.mp4”).
  • For audio creatives, enter the full name of the audio file (for example, “audioname.mp3”).


Integration code A code for use with an external reporting system.
Notes Notes about the creative for your own use.

Audio only

The following optional fields are in the bulk upload template for audio creatives.

Each of these columns can accept one or more values. When using more than one value, separate them using a comma.
Companion assets (image) The name of one or more uploaded image files that will be shown along with your audio creative.
For example: “audiocompanion300x250.jpg, audiocompanion300x50.jpg”
Companion assets (HTML5) The name of one or more uploaded ZIP files containing the HTML5 display creatives that will be shown along with your audio creative.
For example: “,”
Companion dimensions (HTML5) The dimensions of each of your HTML5 companions, if using them.
For example: “300x250,300x50”

Note: You only need to enter dimensions if you're using HTML5 assets. If you're only using image assets or creative IDs, leave this column blank.
Companion DV360 creative IDs

The creative IDs of one or more companion creatives that have already been added to Display & Video 360. You can only use image or HTML5 creatives as companions. Responsive HTML5 creatives aren't supported.
For example: “118675309, 118675310”

Display & Video 360 creative IDs can be found in the ID column of the Creatives page in list view or at the top of the Creative details page.

Display only

The following optional fields are in the bulk upload template for HTML5 or image creatives.

Backup image file name (HTML5 creatives only) The filename of the backup image to serve in case an HTML5 creative can't be served.
Appended HTML tag An HTML tag for third-party impression tracking.

Video only

The following optional fields are in the bulk upload template for video creatives. Include these values if ad badging, transparency, and reporting is turned off in your advertiser settings or you want to add a custom regulatory compliance program icon to your creative.

Note: These settings are optional, but when you enter an OBA icon value, the rest of the OBA icon values are also required.

OBA Icon resource URL The URL of the OBA program's icon.
OBA Icon program The name of the OBA program (for example, AdChoices).
OBA Icon width The width of the OBA icon.
OBA Icon height The height of the OBA icon.
OBA Icon position The position of the OBA icon. Position values: Upper left, Upper right, Lower left, or Lower right.
OBA Icon landing page URL The landing page for the OBA information for this advertiser.
OBA Icon click tracking URL The click tracking URL for the OBA icon.
OBA Icon view tracking URL The view tracking URL for the OBA icon.

Review and edit your bulk upload

After you've uploaded a spreadsheet, your creative assets, or both, Display & Video 360 displays an editable list of creatives to bulk upload. Review the list and upload any missing creative assets or required creative details.

Fill in creative details with a bulk upload spreadsheet
If you uploaded your creative assets first, you can click Upload spreadsheet to fill in all of the creative details using a completed bulk upload spreadsheet. If you entered any creative details in the bulk upload list, they'll be replaced with the data from the spreadsheet.
Add or remove creative rows
  • To add a new creative to bulk upload, click Add creative.
  • To remove a creative, select that creative's row and click Delete.

When your bulk upload list is complete, click Save. Display & Video 360 will check each of the creative fields and uploaded assets for missing or incorrect information. You must correct any errors before you can start the bulk upload. If there are no errors, the bulk upload starts. Each creative takes a few seconds to upload.

Review and fix errors

If there are any problems with the bulk upload, you'll see an error message.
  • Click Expand to get a detailed list of errors along with row numbers.
  • To download the list of errors as a .txt file, click Download all errors.

Otherwise, the spreadsheet template may have been updated since you first downloaded it.

  1. Download the template again.
  2. Compare the template columns, column names, and column order with your spreadsheet.
  3. Make changes to your spreadsheet to match the new template, or fill out the new spreadsheet from scratch.

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