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YouTube campaigns

Create YouTube efficient reach line items

YouTube efficient reach line items help you reach viewers on YouTube and across the web with skippable in-stream, bumper, in-feed, and Shorts ads optimized for efficient impressions. Compared to non-skippable ads, efficient reach line items are optimized to deliver even more impressions at lower CPMs and to drive greater reach or higher frequency based on your line item settings.

About YouTube efficient reach line items

Bids for YouTube reach line items are set based on target CPM (cost per thousand impressions). Target CPM is a way to bid where you set how much you’re willing to pay every thousand times your ad is shown (this amount is your target CPM). Display & Video 360 will optimize your bids to help get as many impressions as possible using your target CPM amount. Some impressions may cost more or less than your target CPM, but altogether Display & Video 360 will try to keep your line item average CPM equal to or lower than the target CPM you set.

Create a YouTube efficient reach line item

Set up your line item

  1. Start in an existing insertion order or create a new one.
  2. In your insertion order, click the New line item button.
  3. Pick YouTube & partners video.
  4. Enter the following information for your line item:
    1. Name for your line item.
    2. Select Brand awareness and reach as the objective.
    3. Set Efficient reach as the line item subtype. Efficient reach combines bumper ads, skippable in-stream ads, and Shorts ads.
  5. Click Next. The Ad format section will be filled out based on your line item subtype selections. If you choose to Include in-feed and Shorts ads, you’ll have the option to deselect individual ad formats. Excluding ad formats may limit your reach.

Configure your line item's settings

  1. In the Targeting section, you'll see that the inventory source and device targeting are set automatically. You can click Add targeting to set other line-item level targeting options. Additional types of targeting are available in the line item's ad groups.
  2. Configure your line item's settings:

    • Pick custom flight dates or use the same dates as the line item's insertion order.
    • Enter the line item's budget and pacing settings. After you save the line item, you can't change between daily and flight, but you can update the budget amount.
    • (Optional) Select the line item's frequency cap. Learn more about frequency caps in Display & Video 360.
  3. (Optional) Add a product feed to your line item.
  4. (Optional) Add related videos to your line item. This adds a list of related videos below a YouTube ad.

Create your ad group and ads

  1. Click Create new ad group to set up an ad group for your line item:
    1. Enter a name for your ad group.
    2. Click Add targeting to configure ad-group level targeting. Learn more about targeting options for YouTube & partners line items. Some device targeting options may be disabled based on your ad format selections.
    3. Set your target CPM bid, which is the average amount you want to pay every thousand times your ad is shown.
    4. Click Create new ad to pick a YouTube video to use as a creative and set the landing page:
      • Enter a name for your ad.
      • Search for a YouTube video or paste a YouTube URL in the “Video” field. The ad format is automatically determined based on the length of your video creative and is displayed in "Preview".
      • (Optional) In the “Preview” section, perform any of the following to preview your ad:
        • Click the All formats dropdown to change the preview by ad format.
        • Select a network to view how ad formats are shown on different channels.
        • Select a device icon to show a preview of your ad on different devices.
        • Click Preview ad on YouTube to see a live preview of your ad on YouTube.com.
        • Click Copy link to copy the URL of your ad that will appear on YouTube. Clicking the arrow beside this link opens a panel where you can set a video to play after the ad you’ve created.
      • Under “Companion banner”, choose between No companion banner or Upload my own image option.
      • Enter the landing page URL for your ad. You can also customize the display URL for your ad by providing up to two descriptive terms that will be appended to your landing page domain.
      • (Optional) Enter the text for your call to action, which can contain up to 10 characters including spaces. The CTA should be a compelling action that directs users to the website specified in your landing page URL.
      • (Optional) In the “Headline” field, enter a 15-character headline (including spaces) that promotes your product or service.
      • Add a long headline and description. Long headlines can be up to 90 characters and descriptions can be up to 70 characters.
      • (Optional) Set up third-party click tracking under “Click tracker URL”. The click tracker must redirect to the same URL as your landing page URL. If you’re using Campaign Manager 360, you can select an existing tracking ad you'd like to use to see enhanced metrics in Campaign Manager 360.
      • Click Create ad.
    5. If you'd like to use multiple ads, click Create new ad again and repeat the steps above. If you use multiple ads, Display & Video 360 will optimize ad rotation based on views. Get more reach for your budget by including at least one short video ad (6 seconds or shorter) and a long video ad (7 seconds or longer), and if using Shorts a vertical ad (5 seconds or longer).
    6. Click Create ad group.
  2. Click Create to save your new line item.

Reporting for YouTube efficient reach line items

YouTube efficient reach line items use the same reporting options as regular YouTube & partners line items. Learn more


  • If utilizing multiformat ads (including Shorts), videos for YouTube shorts must be 5 seconds or longer. Ads longer than 60 seconds will loop in the Shorts environment, and an option to click out to the Watch page to see the full video will appear at the 50 second mark.
  • Third-party measurement support is limited for YouTube & partner line items using multi-format ads, including video action, video views, and efficient reach sub-types. Reach out to your measurement partner contact for more information.

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