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YouTube campaigns

Category exclusion targeting for YouTube & partners line items

Our YouTube Ad Safety Promise is that certain types of content can’t be monetized for ads on YouTube and Google video partners: we’ll automatically apply exclusions to prevent your ads from showing on the most controversial content, such as terrorist acts, nudity, and recent sensitive events. Regardless of the category exclusions you select, your ads will be excluded from showing on content that isn’t appropriate for any advertiser.

The category exclusion settings described below are meant to give you additional control and help you exclude types of content that, while in compliance with our policies, may not fit your brand or business. While content exclusions are done to the best of our ability, we can’t guarantee that all related content will be excluded.

Category exclusion settings

You can use the following category exclusions for your YouTube & partners line items, both at the advertiser level or the line-item level.

Content categories

Content categories provide an extra layer of control over the inventory your YouTube ads show on by letting you opt out of categories of sensitive content that don’t align with your brand or the message of your campaign. No matter which option you select, we’ll automatically apply additional exclusions to prevent your ads from showing on the most controversial content.

You can select from the following three categories. You can also view more details below about what content types are included and excluded in each category.

  • Expanded categories: This option lets you show ads across all inventory on YouTube and video partners that meet our standards for monetization. This option may be an appropriate choice for brands that want maximum access to the full breadth of videos eligible for ads, including, for example, videos that have strong profanity in the context of comedy or a documentary, or excessive violence as featured in video games.
  • Standard categories (line item default): All line items use this category by default. This option lets you show ads across a wide range of content that’s appropriate for most brands, such as popular music videos, documentaries, and movie trailers. The content you can show ads on is based on YouTube’s advertiser-friendly content guidelines that take into account, for example, the strength or frequency of profanity, or the appropriateness of subject matter like sensitive events. Ads won’t show, for example, on content with repeated strong profanity, strong sexual content, or graphic violence.
  • Limited categories: This option lets you show ads on a reduced range of content that’s appropriate for brands with particularly strict guidelines around inappropriate language and sexual suggestiveness - above and beyond what YouTube’s advertiser-friendly content guidelines address. The videos accessible in this sensitive category meet heightened requirements, especially for inappropriate language and sexual suggestiveness. For example, your ads will be excluded from showing on some of YouTube’s most popular music videos and other pop culture content across YouTube and Google video partners.

Content category details

YouTube Ad Safety Promise

Your ads will automatically be excluded from showing on the following types of content, no matter what content category setting you choose.

Content Expanded categories Standard categories Limited categories
Profanity in the title or thumbnail image, or profanity used repeatedly or throughout Excluded Excluded Excluded
Full nudity, exposed nipples, animal mating, sexual abuse, or sexual content in the thumbnail Excluded Excluded Excluded

Content showing abusing, buying, making, selling, or finding drugs
Excluded Excluded Excluded
Content discussing terrorism or sensitive current events like war, death, or tragedy Excluded Excluded Excluded


Content Expanded categories Standard categories Limited categories
Light profanity used in a non-hateful, comedic or artistic way Included Included Included
Moderate profanity used in a non-hateful, comedic, or artistic manner, or a music video with frequent profanity Included Included Excluded
Strong profanity used throughout or at the very beginning of the video in comedy, documentary, news, or education Included Excluded Excluded

Sexualized content

Content Expanded categories Standard categories Limited categories
Romance, kissing, limited clothing in non-sexual settings, or general discussions of relationships or sexuality Included Included Included
Limited clothing in sexual settings, sensual dancing, moderate sexually suggestive behavior, or a music video containing sexual content Included Included Excluded
Blurred nudity, focus on sexual body parts, focus on sex as a topic, discussions about sex acts, implied or display of sex acts or sex toys without visible contact or nudity Included Excluded Excluded


Content Expanded categories Standard categories Limited categories
Mild violence or injury without showing blood or graphic content Included Included Included
Violence or graphic content in video games, comedy, or music videos Included Included Included
Focus on blood, gore, and excessive violence in video games, animal violence, or animation; sports, accidents, pranks, or “fails” with serious injury; blood shown in body modification or medical procedures Included Excluded Excluded


Content Expanded categories Standard categories Limited categories
Content with humorous references, education, music, or statements without glorifying or promoting drugs Included Included Included
Drug consumption, fabrication, and distribution in the context of music, comedy, news, education, or documentary Included Excluded Excluded

Hurtful language

Content Expanded categories Standard categories Limited categories
News, documentary, or education content with words that could be considered biased, demeaning, or hate speech against a race, religion, gender, or other group Included Excluded Excluded

Other content types

You can exclude specific content types so that your ads don’t run on those content types. This can help you avoid types of content that don’t fit your needs or that your customers don’t visit.

  • Embedded YouTube videos: Video that web publishers find on the Display Network, then publish on their own site.
  • Live-stream videos: Video of live events streamed over the internet.

Advertiser v. line-item level category exclusions

Advertiser-level category exclusions let you set exclusions that apply to YouTube & partners line items across your entire Display & Video 360 advertiser. This means that at the advertiser level, you can select content categories, other content types, or theContent suitable for families’ digital content label, and they’ll automatically apply to all of your YouTube & partners line items.

With content categories:

  • Your Display & Video 360 advertiser is set to Expanded by default. This allows you to select all content category options at the line item level.
  • Your YouTube & partners line items are set to Standard by default.

Even after selecting a content category at the advertiser level, you can select a more restrictive category for each individual line item. You can’t, however, select less restrictive categories.


  • If your advertiser-level category is Limited, you’ll have to use Limited for all of your individual YouTube & partners line items.
  • If your advertiser-level category is Standard, you can use Standard or Limited for individual YouTube & partners line items.
  • If your advertiser-level category is Expanded, you can choose Expanded, Standard, or Limited for individual YouTube & partners line items.

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