In-market audience targeting

Interest category marketing in Display & Video 360

About in-market audiences

In-market targeting (also known as "interest category marketing") is useful to advertisers who are looking to raise awareness and drive consideration among people who are "in-market" to purchase a particular type of good or service. Display & Video 360 offers free in-market audience lists that you can add to your audience targeting. In-market audiences allow you to find customers who are researching products or services and actively considering buying something like what you offer as they browse pages across the web.

Users are allocated into audience categories for targeting on third-party websites and apps based primarily on their activity on third-party websites and apps. Users are allocated into audience categories for targeting on Google’s own products based primarily on their activity on these products.

In-market audiences available in Display & Video 360

The following high-level categories of in-market audiences are available:

  • Apparel and Accessories
  • Autos & Vehicles (Parts & Services)
  • Baby & Children’s Products
  • Beauty Products & Services
  • Business Services
  • Computers & Peripherals
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Consumer Software
  • Dating Services
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Financial Services
  • Gifts & Occasions
  • Home & Garden
  • Real Estate
  • Sports & Fitness
  • Telecom
  • Travel

Each category above includes more granular subcategories which are also targetable. 

Would interest category targeting be useful for you?

In-market audiences are useful to a variety of advertisers since they can help you reach consumers close to completing a purchase. They can help you achieve a variety of campaign goals, including:

  • Performance, use in-market audiences to reach potential customers when they're actively looking to buy products or services in the near future or who may have a high propensity to buy an item if presented with the right offer.
  • Mid-funnel marketing, use in-market audiences to get your advertiser's message in front of people who are more likely to buy your product but might not be considering your brand.
  • Remarketing, use in-market audiences to increase your total number of conversions by reaching incremental users beyond your existing first-party lists.

Target in-market audiences

  1. Start by opening the targeting for a line item (or insertion order), then navigate to Targeting and then Audience Lists.

  2. In the Affinity & In Market tab, search for in-market audience lists with "Display & Video 360" and  "in-market" in their name to find Display & Video 360's in-market audience lists.

  3. Once you've selected the lists you want to target, click Apply

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