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Edit multiple line items

Bulk editing makes it possible to quickly change multiple line items' bids, budgets, creative assignments, pacing settings, targeting, and other settings without manually editing each line item individually.

Bulk edit line items

  1. Open your advertiser in Display & Video 360.
  2. In the left menu, click Campaign.
  3. In the Combined tab of your campaign, you'll see a list of insertion orders and line items. You can expand the insertion orders to view line items by clicking the down arrow next to the insertion order name or the Expand All button above the filter bar.
  4. Check the box next to the line items you'd like to edit.
  5. Click Action, then choose what you'd like to edit in bulk.
    • Settings: Update the flight, budget and pacing, bid strategy, frequency cap, or conversion tracking. 

      If you intend to use a fixed bid, you can set the bid price of the selected line items by going to Bid strategy > Fixed bid.
    • Targeting: Update the inventory, content, audience, or technology targeting. You'll see different options based on the types of line items you're editing. If your selected line items have mixed targeting options, you may be able to either override the existing settings so they match, or add or remove settings without a complete override. For example, if Line Item 1 has targeting options A and B, and Line Item 2 has options B and C, you could add targeting option D to both line items without overriding their existing targeting. 

    • Creative assignment: Edit which creatives are assigned to the line items you've selected. See more details in the "Bulk edit creative assignments" section below.
  6. Make your changes in the window that opens. Once you're done, click Save.

Bulk edit creative assignments

When you select multiple line items and choose to bulk edit their creative assignments, the creative assignment window opens. At the top of the window, there are 2 tabs: Eligible and Assigned.

  • The Eligible tab lists creatives that are eligible to assign to all of the line items you're editing.
  • The Assigned tab lists all of the creatives assigned to any of the line items you're editing.
You can track bulk actions in the Display & Video 360 UI. Learn more about tracking the edit history and status of bulk actions.


Bulk assign creatives

  1. Follow the steps above, selecting Action and then Creative assignment.
  2. The Eligible tab lists all creatives eligible to assign to the line items you selected. Select one or more creatives, then click Assign.
  3. The creatives you just assigned move to the Assigned tab, where you can confirm your changes. You'll also see a message that states whether the creative assignments across all selected line items will or will not match after you apply the pending changes.

    Note: The Assigned tab includes both the creatives you've just assigned and any creatives that were already assigned.
  4. (Optional) If you made a mistake and want to undo your changes, select the creatives you don't want to assign, then click Revert.
  5. Review the assigned creatives, then click Save changes.

Bulk remove creatives

  1. Follow the steps above, selecting Action and then Creative assignment.
  2. The Assigned tab lists all creatives that are assigned to any of the line items you're editing. Select one or more creatives to remove, then click Remove.
  3. The selected creatives will be removed from the Assigned tab, but they will still appear in the Eligible tab. You'll see a message that confirms whether the creative assignments across all selected line items will or will not match after you apply the pending changes.
  4. (Optional) If you made a mistake and want to undo your changes, select the creatives you don't want to remove, then click Revert.
  5. Review the removed creatives, then click Save changes.

Bulk edit creative assignment for line items with Programmatic Guaranteed deals

Bulk edit for line items associated with Programmatic Guaranteed deals works the same as with other line item types, with the addition of creative requirements. Since a deal is negotiated with specific creative requirements, when you bulk edit these line items, the common creative requirements will appear above the creatives list in the creative assignment window.

You can only bulk assign creatives when the selected line items share at least 1 common creative requirement.

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