Display & Video 360 targeting policies

You will not use the Display & Video 360 Service to select or target advertisements or to collect or use audience data such as cookie lists, based on:

  • past or current activity by users that you know are under the age of 13 years;
  • past or current activity by users on adult or gambling sites, government agency sites, or sites directed at children under the age of 13 years; or
  • other inferred or actual sensitive information (including, without limitation, health or medical history or information, financial status or other detailed information pertaining to a person's finances, racial or ethnic origins, religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, the commission or alleged commission of any crime, political opinions or beliefs, trade union membership, or sexual behavior or orientation).

You will not use the Display & Video 360 Service targeting features to promote hatred, intolerance, discrimination, or violence towards an individual or group.

If you use the Display & Video 360 Service for personalized ads, you must:

  • have all rights necessary to use audience data such as cookie lists;
  • attach notices to advertisements to make clear that they are personalized (e.g. by using an “Ad Choices” icon);
  • disclose clearly any data collection, sharing and use on any site, app, email publication or other property that facilitates personalized ads; and
  • comply with applicable Internet advertising industry guidelines (e.g. the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising of the Digital Advertising Alliance, or IAB Europe’s EU Framework for Online Behavioral Advertising).

In connection with your use of the Display & Video 360 Service, you will not pass any personally identifiable information to Google. In addition, you will not, and will advise in writing your clients not to, merge personally identifiable information with information previously collected as non-personally identifiable information without robust notice of, and the end user’s prior opt-in consent to, that merger.

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