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Coming soon: March 4, 2024 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks 

Updates to YouTube efficient reach line items

YouTube & partners efficient reach line items will soon automatically default to include in-feed and Shorts ads for  broader reach. Customers can choose to opt-out of this selection, but video ads in your line item will only be shown as skippable in-stream or bumper ad formats.

New price transparency reports for Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360 advertisers in the EEA

Advertisers in the EEA can now opt-in to view daily fees at the billable event level for ads displayed on third-party or Google-owned surfaces. Price transparency reports will provide a downloadable price data file that show details for each billable advertisement. Learn more about how to opt-in to access price data.

Learn more about the reports, as well as how to opt in to access price data.

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