About consent for Customer Match partners

This article is for customers who use Customer Match partners to upload data for users in the European Economic Area (EEA).

As a part of Google’s ongoing commitment to a privacy-centric digital advertising ecosystem, we are strengthening the enforcement of our EU user consent policy (EU UCP).

If you are using a Customer Match partner to upload data for users in the EEA, you’ll need to work with your Customer Match partner to ensure you are passing the required consent signals to Google.

How it works

The Display & Video 360 API v2 and v3 introduces the Consent object for uploading consent with your Customer Match data. The Consent object specifies two distinct types of consent. 

The consent fields are:

Name Type Description
ad_user_data ConsentStatus Sets consent for sending user data to Google for advertising purposes.
ad_personalization ConsentStatus Sets consent for ad personalization.


Starting in March 2024, both types of consent must be granted to indicate that you have received the required user consent and to use data from users in the EEA for Customer Match lists.

If a user in the EEA previously provided consent for both ad_user_data and ad_personalization, Customer Match will use the data until the list expires or if the data is explicitly removed.

Setting consent signals

When uploading user data, set the consent fields for the following objects:

  • ContactInfoList 
  • MobileDeviceIdList 

Consent signals are set for all users in a single request. Learn more about using the Display & Video 360 API to pass consent signals for customer match audiences.

What the consent status means

  • If you set both consent fields as granted, then you are indicating that you have received the required user consent. 
  • If either consent field is set as denied, then:
    • Your upload request will return an error. 
    • Data from users in the EEA will not be processed and cannot be used for ads personalization using Customer Match.
  • If either consent is set as unspecified, then consent is not considered granted. Data from users in the EEA will not be processed and cannot be used for ads personalization using Customer Match.

What to do if consent changes

If a user retracts consent for ad_user_data or ad_personalization, your Customer Match partner can either do one of the following:

  • Use the Display & Video 360 API to remove the unconsented user data from the audience list.
  • Replace the Customer Match data file without the unconsented user data.

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