Audience expansion for Connected TV line items

Audience expansion helps you widen your reach by finding people who share similar context as your selected audience list. For line items with audience expansion you may see an increase in impressions.


Audience expansion is available for Connected TV line items in the Connected TV insertion order. For information about audience expansion on YouTube & partners line items, including YouTube & partners on Connected TV see Audience expansion for YouTube line items.

Eligible first-party audience lists:

  • Tag-based remarketing lists

Enable audience expansion

Navigate to a Connected TV line item:

  1. From the Targeting section, click Add Targeting > Audience lists & expansion.
  2. Add a first-party audience.
  3. Check Turn on audience expansion for eligible first party lists.
  4. Use the audience expansion slider to adjust your reach. There are three segments you can adjust the slider to. Adjust the desired level of reach for your audience starting with least reach on the left, increasing to most possible reach on the right. 
  5. Make a first-party list selection:
  • Target expanded audience only: Select this to exclude first-party lists and only reach new people with similar contextual signals to your existing audience.
  • Target eligible first party lists and expanded audience: Select this to reach your existing audience in addition to new people with similar contextual signals.
  1. Click Apply.


You can generate an instant report using the CTV audience expansion dimension to measure which impressions come from audience expansion and which come from your first-party list:

  • Yes: Impressions that come from audience expansion.
  • No: Impressions that don’t come from audience expansion.

The following additional dimensions are compatible with the audience expansion dimension:

  • Advertiser
  • Insertion order
  • Line item
  • Date


  • Available for Connected TV line items targeting first-party audience lists. Google Audiences and 1P Customer Match Lists are not supported. 
  • Expansion may be limited when deals are applied. Open auction is recommended when enabling audience expansion on Connected TV line items.
  • SDF and API are not supported.
  • Eligible first-party lists must have at least 100 users and must have views.

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