Here are some actions you can take on the Advertisers page:
Create a new advertiser: click New > Advertiser.
Copy an existing advertiser: click the advertiser and then click Copy in the advertiser properties. Copies have the same properties as the original, but they don't include include any campaigns or creatives. They also don't include the original's Floodlight configuration.
Delete an advertiser: select its checkbox and click Delete. You can only delete advertisers that don't have any campaigns associated with it.
- Put advertisers on hold (or approve them): Advertisers are set to Approved by default. To deactivate all the ads in an advertiser, select its checkbox and click Status > Set as on hold. When an advertiser is on hold, none of the ads in its campaigns can serve, though the ads will appear as Active in Campaign Manager 360 you can still edit campaigns and properties.
Make sure you have no campaigns running in your advertiser before you set it on hold. Also, note that when you set an on-hold advertiser to approved, you have to manually reactivate all its ads.
To view campaigns in your advertiser, click Campaigns in your navigation bar and filter your campaigns by advertiser (set filters in the Advertiser column).