Using the statistics tab

The statistics tab in your account provides you with information about how visitors are interacting with your content, and what they find most engaging.


This tab allows you to download reports on a monthly basis about the number of unique visitors your content has had, as well has how many views, what traffic source led users to your page (e.g from a search result, or a post on a social network), what device your content is being viewed on, how many times your content has been shared on social media, and where in the world your users are. Reports are generated on about the 5th of each month for the previous month.


In order to download the monthly report, simply select the month you are interested in and press export.



This will download a zip file which contains 2 CSV files. Those files are:

  • page_views_YYYY-MM - Pageview data for the given year and month

  • viewers_YYYY-MM - User data for the given year and month

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