Reports in Comparison Shopping Service Center

This article explains reports in CSS Center.

For CSS group and CSS domain:

For CSS domain only:

Merchant performance

The "Merchant performance" page shows the overall performance of Shopping ads across all surfaces for the merchant accounts you represent. On this page, you can choose “Clicks”, “Impressions”, or “CTR” to view their corresponding data for the interval you have selected in the filter. The report is available for CSS group and CSS domain account types, and can be downloaded in a CSV file. To navigate to the report:

  • Click Reports on the navigation menu, then click Merchant performance.
  • Alternatively, you can access the report on the “Overview” page for a CSS domain.

Comparison Shopping Service Center Performance screen

CSS requirements

The "CSS requirements" page shows the number of merchant domains you represent (those for which you show products on your CSS website) by country. To get to this page, click Reports on the navigation menu, then click CSS requirements.

Comparison Shopping Service Center CSS requirements screen

All merchant domains for which you have uploaded products are included in the count for their respective countries. To target Shopping ads to a specific country, and in order for that country to show on this page, your site must show products from at least 50 merchants that ship to that country. Learn more about CSS requirements

To view the entire list of merchant domains for a country, click on the country name.

If you have product offers from additional merchants on your website that you’d like to add, you can upload a list of additional merchants by clicking the blue upload button CSSC upload icon.

To download a full list of merchant domains by country, click the download button A picture of the download icon for Google Ads and Merchant Center.

Merchant status

The "Merchant status" page lets you see changes in the merchant accounts that you represent, including merchants that recently joined or left your CSS and changes in opt-in status, and any change in suspension status. You can filter your view of this page by date or by the type of status change to the account. You can also download this report for your records. To get to this page, click Reports on the navigation menu, then click Merchant status.

Comparison Shopping Service Center Account History screen

Note: Opt-in status can change when a merchant opts out from your CSS or when a merchant chooses to opt in again. Any merchant that does not take an action is opted-in by default and will not appear on "Overview", but can be viewed in merchant accounts

You may find the following icons on the Merchant status page:

Icon Title Description
Opted in Account is opted in to serve Shopping ads through this particular CSS.
Opted out Account is opted out from serving Shopping ads through this particular CSS.
Received warning Account received at least one warning in at least one country.
Suspended Account has been suspended in at least one country.
No longer suspended / No longer warned Suspension or warning has been removed from the account.
Closed Account has been closed.
Added / Created Account was created or added to CSS.
Converted from/to marketplace seller Account converted from or to a marketplace seller.

Switch history

The “Switch history” page lets you view the list of ongoing Merchant Center Switch history initiated by you. If you have multiple ongoing switches, you can filter the table using the filter icon Filter icon.

If a merchant has accepted the switch request from a CSS, then by default it will become a part of this new CSS after a 14 days grace period. You can adjust this time interval for your CSS in the section “Account switch grace period” on this page.

For more information about Switch history please refer to Switch merchant accounts between Comparison Shopping Services.

Setup & policies

The "Setup & policy issues" page lets you see the status of the merchant accounts you represent over time, as well as the number of items associated with each account status, and the account issues information for certain merchant accounts. To narrow your view, click the filter iconFilter icon.

Comparison Shopping Service Center Account Diagnostic screen

For example, let’s say you represent 1,800 merchant accounts, and of those accounts, 250 are currently suspended in one or more countries. You’ll see this represented in the top chart on the "Setup & policy issues" page. Within the 250 accounts that show a status of “suspended” there may be 50,000 items. You’ll see this represented on the second chart on the page. Learn more about account statuses

Below the status charts, you’ll see a table that includes account issues information for merchant accounts that have provided authorization to your CSS. This table includes information on the individual account issues, and on countries and affected items for each account. In the above example, if 200 of the 250 suspended accounts have provided authorization to your CSS, you will see the issues underlying the suspensions of these 200 accounts.

To address account issues, click on the merchant name and you’ll be directed to the Merchant Center account, provided you’ve been authorized to do so by the merchant.

Product issues

The “Product issues” page lets you see the status of the products you advertise on behalf of all the merchant accounts you represent over time, including products that are pending, disapproved, out of stock, or available.

Comparison Shopping Service Center Item Diagnostic screen

To narrow your view in the table, define the filters on the top or click the filter icon Filter icon to see only a select set. You can also see the total number of items for each status by account. To address the issues shown on this page, click on the merchant name and you’ll be directed to the Merchant Center account, provided you’ve been authorized to do so by the merchant.


The "Opportunities" page presents the aggregated list of possible fixes that a CSS can initiate to increase the performance of product listings. To drill down into some specific opportunity, click on the row. The page shows you the extended description of the required fix and the list of Merchant Center accounts whose performance can be improved by fixing it. Only Merchant Center accounts your CSS has access to are displayed.

How to view details for Opportunities in CSS Center.

The fixes can be applied only in Merchant Center, click on the Account to be redirected to the respective page in Merchant Center.

Note: Some opportunities do not have a dedicated page in Merchant Center; in such a case, you will be redirected to the “Overview” page instead.

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