Use everyday words to search

This feature is available with Google Workspace.

You can use everyday words to describe what you want to find with Google Cloud Search. For example, you can search for sheets from joe smith last week to find a spreadsheet your coworker Joe shared with you a week ago. You can search only in English for now.

Cloud Search interprets your query using search operators to give you the most relevant results. If Cloud Search doesn’t interpret your query the way you expected, at the top of the page, click the Show results for the original query link.

Rewritten query

For quick answers, the information appears on a card at the top of your search results. For example, if you search for audrey’s phone number, you get an answer card with the profile information for your colleague named Audrey. If more than one person has that name, scroll through the results or click View all, then click the correct person to open their profile information page.

Answer card

Note: You get contact and profile information only if your organization adds these details to user accounts.

Find content from your Google Workspace services

  1. Sign in to Cloud Search at

    If you can't sign in, your account doesn't have Cloud Search. Learn more

  2. Do a search, such as slides audrey sent last month.
  3. If the interpretation isn't quite right, click the Show results for the original query link.

Find contact information for people at work

  1. Sign in to Cloud Search at

    If you can't sign in, your account doesn't have Cloud Search. Learn more

  2. Do a search, such as audrey's phone number.
  3. Click the person's results card to open their profile information. If more than one person has the name, scroll through the results or click View all. Click the correct person's name to open their profile information page. 
  4. To contact a person or schedule a meeting with them, click the action you want to take:
    • To send an email, click Email  or the person's email address.
    • To set up a meeting, click Schedule .
    • To chat, click Hangout .
    • To start a video call, click Video call Video camera.

Use common phrases

You can use phrases related to people, documents, Google services, and more. Here are some examples.

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