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Narrow your search with operators

You can find exactly what you’re looking for with Google Cloud Search by using symbols and special words called search operators. Search operators deliver more relevant results by matching certain attributes in your query. For example, you can search based on the content owner or last modified date. 

For non-Google Workspace data sources, your organization can set up custom search operators. To learn more, contact your administrator.

Search operators

Use operators in your search

For example, to find content created by a particular team member, after a certain date, use the owner: and after: operators in your search query. For more details and other examples, see the lists of operators below.

  1. Sign in to Cloud Search at

    If you can't sign in, your account doesn't have Cloud Search. Learn more

  2. In the search box, enter your search terms, leaving a space at the end.
  3. Add the operator and its value after your search terms. Don't put any spaces between the operator and its value.

List of search operators

Tip: You can also refine your results by using the search filters at the top of the results page.

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