Manage system apps on company-owned mobile devices

As an administrator, you can block user access to some system apps on managed mobile devices. System apps are preinstalled apps such as Clock and Calculator for Android, or FaceTime and iTunes Store for iOS. Many of these apps can't be uninstalled, but you can allow or block access to them.

Block or allow Android system apps

This feature is available with Cloud Identity Premium edition. Compare editions 

You can block all Android system apps, allow some, or specify a custom list. When you block system apps, the apps aren't uninstalled, but users and other apps can’t access them.


  • Some system apps are critical to device function and can't be blocked. Review the list.
  • We do not recommend blocking user access to accessibility apps. Review the list.
  • This setting applies only when a device is first enrolled. If you add or remove system apps to the allow or disable lists, these changes aren't applied to devices already enrolled in advanced mobile management.

Before you begin: If you need to set up a department or team for this setting, go to Add an organizational unit.

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

    Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in

  2. In the Admin console, go to Menu and then Devicesand thenMobile and endpointsand thenSettingsand thenAndroid.
  3. (Optional) To apply the setting to a department or team, at the side, select an organizational unit. Show me how
  4. Click Apps and data sharingand thenSystem apps.
  5. Choose an option:
    • To make all system apps available, select Allow all. With this option, you can still block specific system apps. Use this option if you want to make most system apps available.
    • To remove access to all system apps, select Disable all. With this option, all but critical system apps are blocked. If you want to allow specific apps, choose the next option.
      Note: This setting doesn’t remove access to Android apps you add to the Web and mobile apps list. For details, see Add mobile apps to your managed app list.
    • To remove access to most system apps, select Allow certain system apps. Then, to specify allowed system apps, enter the app package name of the app you want to allow and click Allow app. If you don’t know the package name of an app, check the mobile device details in your Admin console. If the app isn’t listed, contact the device manufacturer or reseller.
  6. To override the preceding options and block specific system apps, under Disable certain system apps, enter the app package name and then click Disable app. The apps you add here are blocked.
  7. Click Save. Or, you might click Override for an organizational unit.

    To later restore the inherited value, click Inherit

Changes can take up to 24 hours but typically happen more quickly. Learn more

Block or allow iOS system apps (company-owned devices only)

This feature is available with Cloud Identity Premium edition. Compare editions 

For supervised company-owned iOS devices, you can block user access to many system apps, such as FaceTime, iMessage, and AirDrop. For details, see Apply settings for iOS devices.

Critical Android system apps

Some system apps are critical for a device to function correctly. You can’t disallow these critical system apps:

  • android

Android accessibility apps

Some Android system apps are for accessibility. We do not recommend blocking user access to these apps:


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