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Get started with the Google Auth Platform

The Google Auth Platform is where you manage your apps and OAuth credentials for calling Google APIs and using Sign-in with Google.

Visit the overview page of the Google Auth Platform to get started with your first application or manage your existing applications. 

Creating a new application 

To create a new application, click on the "GET STARTED" button on the overview page of the Google Auth Platform and specify the following information to set up your application. 

App Information 

When users sign in to your application or authorize access to their account data, the information you provide here will be displayed to them in the sign-in and consent screens.

App Name

Choose an app name that distinctively represents your business. Do not use names that may be confused with Google's or other organizations' brands or combine Google product names with generic terms like "app" or "mobile." Refer to the Google Brand Resource Center guidelines for naming your app/product for more information. 

Examples of unacceptable names:

  • Google
  • YouTube
  • Google+ Online
  • Google Drive for iOS
  • Mobile YouTube app
  • Gmail for Android
  • Google Photo App

Examples of acceptable names:

  • Photo Browser
  • Inbox Assistant
  • PDF Viewer for Google Drive
  • Top YouTube Videos
The app name will be displayed on the OAuth consent screen only if your app has been verified. See the OAuth App Verification Help Center page for details on the verification process.
User support email

The User Support Email field requires you to specify an email address that will be displayed to users on the consent screen.  This should be an email address that you regularly monitor so that you can answer questions they have about sign-in, authorization, or your app in general. The drop-down selection box will show you the available options for the User Support Email, which must be one of the following:

  • The address of a Google Group managed by the currently logged-in user.  If you are a Google Workspace user, you can use an existing group or create a new group in your organization before selecting it as the User Support Email.
  • The email address of the currently logged-in user, which must be registered as a Google account. To use a non-Gmail address, you must
    • log in to the Google API Console with the Google Workspace account which you want to use for the User Support Email, OR
    • register an existing non-Gmail address when creating a Google account; make that account a project editor or owner, then log in with the new account so that it appears as a drop-down selection



The Audience setting determines the target audience for your app—the user groups that can authorize your app to access their account data.


Projects configured with a user type of External are available to any user with a Google Account.

A user's ability to authorize your app's requested scopes are impacted by your project's publishing status.


Projects associated with a Google Cloud Organization can configure Internal users to limit authorization requests to members of the organization. For more information about migrating a project into a Google Cloud Organization resource, see Migrating projects into an organization.

User authorization of scopes associated with restricted Google Workspace services, including high-risk Gmail and Drive scopes, might require additional configuration by your organization's administrators. For more information, see the Let Internal apps access restricted Google Workspace APIs section of the Control which third-party and internal apps access Google Workspace data article.

An org_internal authorization error is displayed when authorization is requested from users outside the Google Cloud project's parent.


Contact Information

To keep you updated on any changes related to your project, Google will send notifications to the email addresses listed here. Ensure that the provided email addresses are current, as critical information about your project will be regularly communicated to these addresses.


Manage your Google Auth Platform configuration

Google Auth Platform Overview 

Get started with configuring your Google Auth Platform application and monitor your application metrics.



Customize the branding information of your application, which is what users see in the sign-in and consent screens when they are authorizing access to your application.



Manage the target audience for your app—the user groups that can authorize your app to access their account data.



Manage the OAuth Clients which your application uses when making calls to Google OAuth 2.0 endpoint to receive an access token or ID token. 


Data Access 

On the Data Access page, you can manage OAuth scopes. Scopes define the permissions that your app requests from users. These permissions allow your project to access specific types of user data from their Google Account.


Verification Center

All production apps, including those that request access to scopes categorized as sensitive or restricted, must complete Google's OAuth app verification before being granted access. The Verification Center serves as a central hub for managing all verification-related tasks and keeping track of the verification progress and current status.

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