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Manage OAuth App Branding

Your OAuth app branding settings controls what users see in the sign-in and consent screens when they are authorizing access to your app. These include information such as your App Name, Logo, Support email and relevant links sharing more information about your app. 

Note :  In order for your app name and/or logo to be displayed, you must submit your app for verification.

To manage your OAuth app branding settings, navigate to the Branding page of the Google Auth Platform 

App Information

App Logo

Specifying a logo for your app helps people recognize your app when the sign-in and consent screens are presented to them. 

Logo requirements

  • Uploaded image should actually represent your app 
  • Image should not be larger than 1MB 
  • Supported image formats include JPG, PNG, and BMP. 
  • Image should be square and 120px by 120px for the best display results.

If your application is external and has the publishing status of production, your app will go through the verification process before your uploaded icon is displayed on the consent screen.  

App Domain 

The App Domain allows you to specify your home page, privacy policy, and terms of service links. It is recommended that you provide these links so users can learn more about your application and data practices.

Note : These links are required for all external production apps.  You will not be able to submit your app for verification if it is missing these links.

To protect you and your users, the domains used for each of these links and any links in your project must be registered as authorized domains.   

If your app needs to go through verification, please go to the Google Search Console to check if your domains are verified. Learn more about the authorized domain limit.

Developer contact information

To keep you updated on any changes related to your project, Google will send notifications to the email addresses listed here. Ensure that the provided email addresses are current, as critical information about your project will be regularly communicated to these addresses.


Manage App Audience Configuration

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