To play Roblox on a Chromebook, your device and account must support Play Store apps, and you must install Roblox from there. If you see Chrome OS cannot open this page, you're in the wrong place.
To play Roblox on a Chromebook, your device and account must support Play Store apps, and you must install Roblox from there. If you see Chrome OS cannot open this page, you're in the wrong place.
If so, you can help by sending in a report when you next encounter the issue by using the key-combo 'alt+shift+i'
Tip: If you don't have a keyboard, hold the Power button for 3 seconds and tap Feedback. In the "Tell us what's happening" field add any important details, including the steps to follow to reproduce the issue you're experiencing. Make sure to check the box that says: "Send system and app information and metrics'.
You may also want to consider filing a bug for it via or the public issue tracker where you can track its progress too.
Maybe try moving to a different channel to see if it works there.
Warning: moving to a more stable channel will trigger a powerwash so be sure to back up your important files beforehand.