Sep 2, 2021
I have: Powerwashed, reinstalled OS from a flash drive in recovery mode, made sure I am in stable mode, allowed location services.
There is no Widevine components in my list on this laptop (HP) or another laptop I have (with a different Chrome user). Widevine is on my Windows 10 machine.

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Sep 2, 2021
You might look into installing an OS such as CloudReady, or reaching out to those providers to see if they have workarounds.
Diamond Product Expert Brandon Hatfield recommended this
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You might look into installing an OS such as CloudReady, or reaching out to those providers to see if they have workarounds.
Diamond Product Expert Brandon Hatfield recommended this
Sep 7, 2021
Google didn't change anything! When you have a device that is no longer supported, that's exactly what it means. The experts here have said this for years - when your device reaches end of support, you can continue to use it for a time, but at some point the world will move on. Most services have a range of browser versions they will support and will from time to time - with or without notice - drop support for older versions.
It has been stated before that you can look into installing an alternate OS such as Project Bunch, CloudReady, or MrChromebox, but you need to search them out on your own as they're not supported here.
Sep 16, 2021
this is mine and just last night I got these errors when the day before everything was fine. I have no widevine CDM to check on to update. Is mine just too old as well?
Sep 17, 2021
OK, now I will look up Cloud Ready.
Hopefully I will be able to figure out how to switch the O S.
(I'm actually afraid of trying to buy another, over the net..As this One was purchased 3 months ago. And theoretically was the current version.)
Oct 11, 2021
Oct 12, 2021
Oct 13, 2021
Sally, either someone sold you an obsolete Chromebook or you have another problem. If you bought a Chromebook six months ago, it should have years of life before it reaches End of Automatic Updates.
Did you try Brandon's link to the Automatic Update Policy page to see if someone sold you a Model T or if you have a current model? If you have a current model, we need to revisit your issue.
Nov 1, 2021
Dec 3, 2021
KevinSnail answer is the correct answer. IF you have an old version of chrome os.
That is a very old version of Chrome OS. It is likely those content providers have stopped supporting it.
You might look into installing an OS such as CloudReady, or reaching out to those providers to see if they have workaround
Dec 4, 2021
Dec 4, 2021
Manufacturers install the latest version of ChromeOS when the device is manufactured. You buy it at some later date. It is always up to the user to allow the Chromebook to update itself to the latest version when they first set it up.