Choose your Safe Browsing protection level in Chrome

When you use Google Safe Browsing in Chrome, you receive warnings that help protect you against malware, abusive sites and extensions, phishing, malicious and intrusive ads, and social engineering attacks.

Safe Browsing crawls and analyzes the web to discover potentially harmful sites and add them to its lists. Each time you visit a website or attempt a download, Chrome checks with Safe Browsing based on the protection level you've selected.

You can choose:

  • Enhanced protection: Google’s most secure browsing experience, Enhanced protection offers security from known and potential new dangers.
  • Standard protection: By default, Standard protection offers security from known dangers.
  • No protection (not recommended): You can also turn off Safe Browsing, but you won't be protected against potentially dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions. Your Safe Browsing setting in other Google products won’t be affected.

You can choose to visit an unsafe site or download a file after you receive a warning from Chrome.

About Safe Browsing protection levels

Change your Safe Browsing protection level

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, select More More and then Settings.
  3. On the left, select Privacy and security and then Security.
  4. Select the level of "Safe Browsing" you want to use.
    • Enhanced protection
    • Standard protection
    • No protection

For a more private and secure browsing experience, you can also review and manage your Advanced security settings. Learn how to manage additional Chrome security settings.

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