To save a file or image on your computer or device, download it. The file will be saved in your default download location.
Download a file in Chrome
- On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome .
- Go to the page with the file that you want to download.
- Tap the file that you want to download.
- Tap Open in… Save to Files Save.
If you can’t find Open in…
- Tap the file that you would like to download.
- At the top right, tap Share Save to Files Save.
- If you tap Print instead of Save to files, at the top right, tap Share . Follow the prompts and then tap Save.
- You can open a file in another app; the file is downloaded to a temporary folder. When you close your Chrome window, the files are deleted from the temporary folder.
- To cancel a download that’s in progress, tap Cancel .
If you get a 'Cannot download file' message, you can save the file instead.
- Tap Print file Print Share Save to Files.
- Select a location to save the file.
- Tap Save.
- On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome .
- Go to the site with the image that you want to save.
- Touch and hold the image.
- In the menu that opens, save or copy the image:
- Save: Tap Save image.
- Copy: Tap Copy image.
- On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome .
- Tap More Downloads .
- To access a file, touch and hold its name. You can copy, share or remove the download.