View app and extension usage details

For administrators who manage Chrome browser or ChromeOS devices for a business or school.

As an admin, you can use your Google Admin console to see details about apps and extensions that are installed on users’ enrolled Chrome browsers and ChromeOS devices.

To see additional details, click on an app or extension to open the App details page. For more information, see View additional details of an app or extension.

Before you begin

View report

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. (Optional) On the left, select an organizational unit. By default, all extensions are shown.
Note: If no extensions are displayed, check that the Last activity filter is not applied and, if it is, remove it.

Review app and extension usage

You can view the following details for each app installed across enrolled Chrome browsers and ChromeOS devices that you manage.

App and extension information



Highlights important information for an extension:

  • Removed from Chrome Web Store in the past 28 days
  • Manifest V2 to be deprecated soon
App name The app's name and icon.
App type

Specifies whether the app is:

  • Android app
  • Chrome app
  • Chrome extension
  • Theme
  • Web app
Install type

Describes how the app was installed:

  • admin—Installed by an admin policy
  • development—Loaded unpacked in developer mode
  • multiple—Installed different ways on different browsers, devices, or user accounts
  • normal—Installed normally by a .crx file
  • other—Installed by other means
  • sideload—Installed by other software on the machine
Chrome Web Store

Describes the status of the Chrome Web Store listing:

  1. Published—Includes all visibility options: public, unlisted, and private. For details, see Setting the visibility.
  2. Unpublished by developer—Unpublished by the extension developer. For details, see How can I remove my listing from the store?.
  3. Taken down by Google—Taken down by the Chrome Web Store due to a policy violation or containing malware. For details, see Takedown.
  4. No record on CWS—Never published on the Chrome Web Store.
  5. Developer account deleted—The extension developer deleted their Chrome Web Store developer account.
Installs Number of browsers or ChromeOS devices on which the app is installed.
Permission The number of permissions requested by the app.
Manifest version

The manifest version number, if reported, and quantity of app installs for browsers and users.

A warning icon is shown for extensions that are still using Manifest V2. Read about the Manifest V2 support timeline.

App ID The ID for the app in the Chrome Web Store or Google Play.
Risk assessment

Applies to Chrome extensions that are publicly available in the Chrome Web Store

Third-party data about the app or extension’s risk score. The score displayed is the most recent score from each provider. Google makes no guarantee about the availability of the data provided by third-party companies. Google does not control or modify risk assessment data.

Clicking an app row opens a page where you can see additional details.

App and extension information


Installation policy

Displays the installation policy set for the app.

You can also set or change the installation policy and view and set additional configurations here. For details, see Set app and extension policies.

Details App details including the ID and a link to view it in the Chrome Web Store or Google Play (if applicable).
Requested permissions

List of the permissions that the app requests. For a list of currently available permissions, see:

Requested website access List of websites the app or extension requests access to read or change data on.
Installs A list of browsers and users with the app or extension installed, and number of installs by version. 
Installation requests A list of installation requests from organizational units for the app. You can also set the installation policies by selecting an option from the Set installation policy list.

Force-install or block an app or extension

You can block or force-install any app directly from the Apps and extensions usage report.

  1. Hover over a row.
  2. Click the Action menu.
  3. Choose an option:
    • Block—Chrome removes the app from all browsers and ChromeOS devices in the selected organizational unit. No browsers or ChromeOS devices in the organizational unit can install it.
    • Force install—Chrome installs the app on all browsers and ChromeOS devices in the selected organizational unit. No browsers or ChromeOS devices in the organizational unit can uninstall or disable it.

Search for extensions

Use the search box to search for a specific app. You can use the pre-configured search terms to search by:

  • Last activity
  • App name
  • App type
  • Install type
  • Permission
  • Number of installs
  • Number of permissions
  • Manifest version
  • App ID

Download the apps and extensions usage report data

You can download the apps and extensions usage report as a CSV file.

  1. Sign in with an administrator account to the Google Admin console.

    If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.

  2. (Optional) On the left, select an organizational unit. By default, all extensions are shown.
  3. At the top right, click Export.
    A link appears in the top right when ready, under Your tasks.
  4. Click Download CSV.
  5. Use Google Sheets, or your preferred spreadsheet software, to open the CSV file. For details, see Import data sets & spreadsheets.

Known issues

Last activity filter is unavailable in sidebar

The Last activity filter that you can use on the main report page is not yet available in the side panel. So, some of the install counts in the side panel might be different to the install counts on the main report page. We’ re working to add the install counts to the side panel in a future release.

Report data does not reflect latest usage

There might be apps missing for devices that have reported in the last 6 hours. We're actively working to fix this in a future release.

Google aggregates data differently for ChromeOS and Chrome browser

For ChromeOS devices, we gather data based on which organizational unit the signed-in user belongs to. For example, if a user installs a certain extension on multiple ChromeOS devices, only 1 install is counted. But, if multiple users install a certain extension on a shared ChromeOS device, each install is counted separately.

For Chrome Enterprise Core, we gather data based on which organizational unit the enrolled device belongs to. So, even if multiple users install a certain extension on a shared device, only 1 install is counted. And if a user installs an extension on multiple enrolled devices, each install is counted separately.

Permission counts

The number of permissions shown on the Apps and extensions usage report may vary when comparing it to the list of permissions on the App details page. We’re looking to fix this in the future, but for the latest permissions that are requested for an app we suggest looking at the App details page. For details, see View additional details of an app or extension.

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