Chrome Enterprise and Education release notes

Last updated on: March 11, 2025 

For administrators who manage Chrome browser or ChromeOS devices for a business or school.


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ChromeOS Chrome browser

ChromeOS 134 release summary

ChromeOS updates Security/ Privacy User productivity/ Apps Management
Isolated Web Apps in ChromeOS kiosk mode     
Migrate data for graduating students  
Slow Keys  
GIFs with Quick Insert    
Upcoming ChromeOS changes Security/ Privacy User productivity/ Apps Management
ChromeOS policy for battery longevity    
Kiosk Heartbeat change    
Event-based device log collection for troubleshooting    
AI wallpapers and backgrounds    
Help Me Understand on ChromeOS    
Quick Share enhancements    


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The enterprise release notes are available in 9 languages. You can read about Chrome's updates in English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Indonesian, and Japanese. Allow 1 to 2 weeks for translation for some languages.

ChromeOS updates


  • Isolated Web Apps in ChromeOS kiosk mode back to top

    In ChromeOS 134, ChromeOS kiosk mode supports Isolated Web Apps, a more secure and versatile app solution with access to deep system integrations and powerful capabilities. Administrators can configure IWAs for kiosk and digital signage deployments on Chrome Enterprise⁠ managed devices through the Admin console⁠


  • Migrate data for graduating students back to top

    As early as March 2025, the new content transfer tool will guide graduating students or other EDU-managed users who want to migrate their data through an updated data transfer process. This will allow them to take their Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Gmail content to a Gmail account of their choice. 

    This new application allows school administrators to pin an icon to the shelf, notify students and faculty on their Chromebooks, and set dates to trigger these nudges to encourage them to use content transfer.

    For more details, see our new article describing how to Allow data transfer for students in the Chrome Enterprise and Education Help Center (to be published later in March, 2025).




  • Slow Keys back to top

    Slow Keys is an accessibility feature designed to assist individuals with limited dexterity in typing more accurately. This feature is particularly helpful for those who have conditions such as tremors, arthritis, or numbness in their fingertips, which can make it difficult to press keys with precision. 

    Slow Keys works by introducing a delay, requiring keys to be held down for a set amount of time before they are registered. This will prevent unintended keystrokes from being pressed. 


  • GIFs with Quick Insert back to top

    Quick Insert will soon support direct GIF insertion! Quickly add GIFs to your messages and documents without leaving the Quick Insert menu. For more details, see Use Quick Insert to add & create content.


Coming soon

Note: The items listed below are experimental or planned updates. They might change, be delayed, or canceled before launching to the Stable channel.


Upcoming ChromeOS changes



  • ChromeOS policy for battery longevity back to top 

    ChromeOS 135 introduces a new battery charge limit policy, DevicePowerBatteryChargingOptimization , which offers more optimization options. Battery charging optimization helps extend the lifespan of Chromebooks. 

    Administrators can still set a maximum charge limit, with 100% as the default, to minimize battery degradation and improve long-term reliability. 

    The new policy benefits both administrators managing fleets of devices, such as in educational settings, and individual users seeking to maximize their Chromebook's longevity. This policy automatically applies and requires no user interaction.



  • Kiosk Heartbeat change back to top 

    Last summer, we sent out an MSA to inform the customer about a migration of the Kiosk Heartbeat API that ultimately needs an update to ChromeOS 126.

    If your organization is running a version older than ChromeOS 126, you need to update your device fleet. This kiosk heartbeat change requires an update to ChromeOS 126 or ChromeOS LTS 126 or to update to the current stable ChromeOS release.

    • What do you need to do?

    Please ensure you have activated (value: 0) DeviceChromeVariation for your organization until all devices have been updated to LTS132. Once all devices are on LTS132,  DeviceChromeVariation is not needed anymore and can be changed to any value.  

    • What happens when DeviceChromeVariation is deactivated?

    Devices on LTS versions older than LTS132 will keep using the old Kiosk Heartbeat infrastructure until April 7th, 2025. Starting April 8th, 2025, all devices on LTS versions older than ChromeOS LTS 132 will stop sending device heartbeats.


  • Event-based device log collection for troubleshooting (Admin console) back to top 

    As early as ChromeOS 135, to help troubleshoot device issues (like crashes or failed OS updates), our system will automatically be able to collect and upload device logs. This will happen when these specific settings are turned on:

    • Enable device system log upload: turns on the overall log collection
    • Report device OS information -> OS update status: collects data about OS updates
    • Report device telemetry -> Crash information : gathers fatal crash information

    When a problem occurs, IT admins will see a notification with a direct link to the uploaded logs on the ChromeOS device's details page in the Admin console, with a direct link to the uploaded logs. You can also see a history of device events. Log uploads happen a maximum of two times a day, and each file is typically 400KB to 1MB in size.

    For more details, see these articles in the Chrome Enterprise and Education Help Center: 


  • AI wallpapers and backgrounds back to top 

    As early as ChromeOS 136, we plan to introduce high-resolution, generative AI wallpapers and video call backgrounds on ChromeOS. With this feature, you can unleash your creativity and turn your Chromebook into a canvas of personal expression. Choose from a diverse collection of templates and, in just a few clicks, infuse your Chromebook with your unique personality, mood, or interest. 

    Two new policies will be available to control these features; GenAIVcBackgroundSettings and GenAIWallpaperSettings. This feature will be available on Chromebook Plus devices only.


  • Deprecating Chrome Apps support on ChromeOS back to top 

    In 2016, we announced the deprecation of Chrome Apps in favor of web apps, and in 2021, we announced on the Chromium Blog that support for Chrome Apps for ChromeOS Enterprise and Education customers and developers on ChromeOS would be extended until at least January 2025. With the majority of our customers having migrated off of Chrome Apps (including Legacy (v1) packaged apps and Hosted apps), we can confirm the following updates about Chrome Apps discontinuation dates.

    • July 2025: End of support for user-installed Chrome Apps (scheduled for ChromeOS M139).
      • Chrome Apps that are force-installed through the admin console will continue to be supported.
    • July 2026: Last ChromeOS release with support for Chrome Apps in Kiosk Mode (scheduled for ChromeOS M150).
      • Devices on the LTS channel with Chrome Apps in Kiosk Mode will receive support until April 2027.
    • February 2028: Last ChromeOS release with support for Chrome Apps (scheduled for ChromeOS M168), marking the end of life for all Chrome Apps.
      • Devices on the LTS channel can continue to use Chrome Apps until October 2028.
      • No exceptions will be granted.

    These deprecation timelines also apply to self-hosted Chrome Apps.

    While no new Chrome Apps can be added to the Chrome Web Store, existing Chrome Apps can continue to be updated through October 2028 when they will reach end of life on ChromeOS. After this date, Chrome Apps will be removed from the Chrome Web Store.

    If your organization has developed in-house Chrome Apps and you need assistance, please refer to Transition from Chrome Apps guide. You can also join us in the ChromeOS developer community on Discord, or reach out to us through the form at Refer to the ChromeOS release schedule for release dates and updates.

    In the coming weeks, additional detailed information will be sent to all remaining Chrome App developers and all ChromeOS Administrators.

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