Allow or block access to websites

Applies to managed Chrome browsers and ChromeOS devices.

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As a Chrome Enterprise admin you can block and allow URLs so that users can only visit certain websites. Restricting users’ internet access can increase productivity and protect your organization from viruses and malicious content found on some websites.

When to block and allow URLs

Use the blocklist and allowlist for basic URL management. If you need stronger filtering, use a content-filtering web-proxy server or extension.

Use the URL blocklist and allowlist to:

  • Allow access to all URLs except the ones you block—Use the blocklist to prevent users from visiting certain websites, while allowing them access to the rest of the web.
  • Block access to all URLs except the ones you allow—Use the blocklist to block access to all URLs. Then, use the allowlist to allow access to a limited list of URLs.
  • Define exceptions to very restrictive blocklists—Use the blocklist to block access to all URLs. Then, use the allowlist to let users access certain schemes, subdomains of other domains, ports, or specific paths.
  • Allow Chrome browser to open apps—Allow specific external protocol handlers so that Chrome browser can automatically open certain apps.

Sometimes, the blocklist and allowlist does not work as expected. For example, if you block an entire website and allow a specific webpage URL for that site, users might be able to access other content on that website.

When SAML or OpenID Connect single sign-on is used for user authentication, or when configuring network connections with Captive Portals outside of user sessions, you can block or allow URLs on user sign-in and lock screens using the DeviceAuthenticationURLBlocklist and DeviceAuthenticationURLAllowlist policies.

For more details, see Blocked URLs on the sign-in / lock screens and Blocked URL exceptions on the sign-in / lock screens.

URL blocking exceptions

It is best practice to not block some URLs, like:

  • chrome://settings
  • chrome://os-settings
  • chrome-untrusted://

To block Chrome URLs, we recommend that you use Block sensitive internal Chrome URLs in the Google Admin console instead of adding the URLs manually to the blocked URLs list. This is a faster and safer way of blocking user access to sensitive internal URLs. Adding URLs manually might cause unexpected issues on the device. To view the full list of blocked Chrome URLs, see Block sensitive internal Chrome URLs.

To block system features like camera, OS setttings, and browser settings, we recommend that you use Disabled system features in the Admin console instead of using the URL blocking setting or blocking apps and extensions by ID. This blocks all the settings, not just the URL part.

If you have a specific page you want to block, you should isolate what exactly in the page that you want to block from users. You can then alert Chrome or ChromeOS support about what policies you want implemented. Developers can then add a policy for the specific functionality that should be blocked instead.

Step 1: Review policies

Policy Description


Prevent users from accessing a list of blocked URLs. Users can access all URLs except those that you block.

Unset: Users can access all website URLs without restriction.


Use it with URLBlocklist to allow users to access specific URLs as exceptions to the URL blocklist. The allowlist takes precedence over the blocklist. To work, you need at least one entry in the blocklist.

Unset: There are no exceptions to the URL blocklist.

Step 2: Specify URLs Chrome users can visit

Click below for the steps, based on how you want to manage these policies.

Step 3: Verify policies are applied

After you apply any Chrome policies, users need to restart Chrome browser for the settings to take effect. You can check users’ devices to make sure the policy was applied correctly.

  1. On a managed device, go to chrome://policy.
  2. Click Reload policies.
  3. For URLBlocklist and URLAllowlist, make sure Status is set to OK.
  4. For URLBlocklist and URLAllowlist, click Show value and make sure that the value fields are the same as what you set in the policy.

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