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Block Developer Mode

Chrome devices ordinarily boot into Verified Mode. This includes devices running versions of Chrome OS built and signed by Google on the Dev, Beta, or Stable release channels. However, a device may also be booted in Developer Mode which enables developers to customize their Chrome OS experience.

In Developer Mode, a Chrome device can be made to boot with a non-Google-signed, Chrome OS image, and also grant access to a “root” shell, making Developer Mode less secure than Verified Mode. Learn more about Developer Mode and how to access Developer Mode.

Blocked Developer Mode

If you’re a Google Cloud and Education customer who purchases management software for your devices, you can block your users from accessing Developer Mode on managed devices by enabling Forced re-enrollment. If you attempt to switch to Developer Mode with this feature enabled, you’ll see the following message prompt that Developer Mode is blocked on your device:

Developer Mode is blocked screen

After this message displays, the device reboots to Verified Mode. If the Chrome device has a physical developer switch, the message prompts to set the switch to Verified Mode to proceed.

This feature is currently only available for managed Chrome devices.

Remove Developer Mode block

If you’ve purchased a refurbished device that can’t access Developer Mode, first try signing in with a Gmail account. Once you complete the setup steps, try to access Developer Mode.

If you can’t sign in and the device encounters Forced re-enrollment on the enterprise enrollment page (see below), then the device needs to be deprovisioned.

Chromebook enterprise enrollment screen

If you can’t do this, contact your Chrome device administrator. Deprovisioning the device disables Forced re-enrollment and restores access to Developer Mode.

If the device is no longer owned by the domain listed, you can contact support for assistance in unlocking the device. Note: Proof of purchase is required to request Forced re-enrollment removal for a device.

Recover a device with Developer Mode blocked

Devices that have Developer Mode access blocked are still able to complete recovery, but the recovery image must be signed by Google as an official build. Devices without restrictions on Developer Mode can be recovered with custom Chrome OS images.

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