For administrators of managed users who are signed in to Chrome Web Store on ChromeOS devices or Chrome browser for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
As an admin, you can use the Google Admin console to customize the Chrome Web Store for your managed users.
What your users see
When managed users sign in to the Chrome Web Store using their Google Account, they'll see a version of the store that's managed by their admin.
From Chrome version 131, users begin to notice some changes. For example, in the store search results, users see new tags for items that you block as well as a new filter for private items. In addition, users can find your organization's private and recommended items on the Extensions page only.

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Organization's name or logo |
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Store navigation |
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Categories |
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Homepage banner |
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Announcement message |
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Curated extension previews |
Customize Chrome Web Store
As an admin, you can block or allow extension items, add your organization's private extension, and choose which extensions you want to recommend. You can also add your company name and logo, a homepage banner, and custom messages.
For managed signed-in users, you can display the following items on the Extensions page of the Chrome Web Store:
- Private—Displays all extensions that are available for users in your organization. For more information about private extensions, see Private Chrome Web Store for your organization.
- Recommended by your organization—Displays recommended extensions for your managed users, based on the organizational units and groups where they belong.
- More extensions—Displays only when you choose to block all extensions and managed allowlists. In this case, the collection only shows the allowlisted items.
- Your Productivity Toolkit—A list of extension items that are available in the Productivity category. This category only displays if there are no recommended, private, or allowlisted items.
Configure settings
Open all | Close all
Sign in with an
administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
- To apply the setting to all users, leave the top organizational unit selected. Otherwise, select a child organizational unit.
- Go to Chrome Web Store settings.
- Click Org name & logo.
- Select Customize org name and logo.
- Add your organization’s name and logo. Images should be in .png format with a resolution of 184 by 44 pixels.
- Click Save.
Note: If you leave fields blank, the default values apply.
Sign in with an
administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
- To apply the setting to all users, leave the top organizational unit selected. Otherwise, select a child organizational unit.
- Go to Chrome Web Store settings.
- Click Homepage banner.
- Select Customize homepage banner.
- Use the default banner, add a custom banner, or none at all. For the custom banner, you can add your own image, change the background color of the banner, and add a custom header and subheader. Images should be in png. format with a resolution of 830 by 460 pixels.
- Click Save.
Sign in with an
administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
- To apply the setting to all users, leave the top organizational unit selected. Otherwise, select a child organizational unit.
- Go to Chrome Web Store settings.
- Click Announcement.
- Select Add announcement on Web Store.
- Add a custom message on your store for announcements or extra guidance. This message displays on the Chrome Web Store Discover and Extensions pages.
- (Optional) Add a link with custom text to your banner. For example, add a link with the text Learn More to guide users to accessing additional information.
- Click Save.
Sign in with an
administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
- To apply the setting to all users, leave the top organizational unit selected. Otherwise, select a child organizational unit.
- Go to Chrome Web Store settings.
- Click Pages & content.
- Select Customize Web Store pages and content to configure the following:
- Discover page display—Choose to show or hide the Discover page on your store. This is the end-user Homepage and is curated for their needs; it can’t be customized for your organization.
- Extensions page previews—Add a preview and quick access to recommended or private extensions. Choose which extension previews you'd like to highlight at the top of the Extensions page.
- Extensions page categories—Choose what you’d like to display for the categories on the Extensions page: Productivity, Lifestyle, and Make Chrome Yours. By default, all categories show on the Chrome Web Store, and you can choose to hide extension categories such as Just for Fun. Any extensions in hidden categories are still searchable on the store.
- Click Save.
Sign in with an
administrator account to the Google Admin console.
If you aren’t using an administrator account, you can’t access the Admin console.
- (Users only) To apply the setting to a group, do the following:
- Select Groups.
- Select the group to which you want to apply the setting.
- To apply the setting to all users, leave the top organizational unit selected. Otherwise, select a child organizational unit.
- Click the app you want to set as recommended.
- On the right, go to Chrome Web Store options and turn on Include in Chrome Web Store Recommended.
- Click Save.