La pàgina que has sol·licitat actualment no està disponible en el teu idioma. Pots seleccionar un altre idioma a la part inferior de la pàgina o bé traduir de manera instantània qualsevol pàgina web a l'idioma que vulguis mitjançant la funció de traducció integrada de Google Chrome.

Create polls in Google Chat

You can quickly gather team input and make decisions with Google Chat's Poll app.


Create a poll

You can create a poll in direct messages, group messages, or spaces and people can vote on it.

  1. On your computer, open Google Chat or Gmail.
    • In Gmail: On the left, click Chat .
  2. To add the Poll app:
    1. Select a direct message, group message, or space.
    2. In the reply field, enter /poll or @poll.
    3. Select the Poll app.
      • If you use the app for the first time, in the dialogue box, click Add app & send.
  3. To create a poll, in the dialogue box, enter a question and up to 4 choices.
    • Optional:
      • To add up to 6 more choices, click Add more choices.
      • Under “Advanced options,” check the box next to “Allow multiple votes” or “Hide name of participants.”
      • To translate your poll:
        1. Click Change poll language.
        2. Select the language.
  4. Click Create.

Vote in a poll

When someone creates a poll, you receive a chat notification.

  • To vote in a poll, next to your preferred choice, click Vote.
  • To find more details about the poll results, click Show results.
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