Dashboard for Google Cloud

Use the dashboard to view Google Cloud resale metrics and trends, such as customer costs and top projects. You can find the latest information for one or all of your customers.

The dashboard shows data from billing subaccounts that you assigned to customers or created in the Partner Sales Console (placing an order for Google Cloud).

The customer costs show the data from your reseller Cloud Billing accounts with assigned billing subaccounts. The dashboard also alerts you to the amount in billing subaccounts that are not assigned to a customer.

Google Cloud & Maps spend chart


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Roles and permissions

GCP reseller roles

GCP resellers can view all types of data in the dashboard. Users require two roles:

  1. The GCP Reseller Admin role or the GCP Reseller Viewer role. Learn more
  2. The Billing Account Viewer or Billing Account Administrator role on the reseller Cloud Billing accounts that they want to view in the charts. Learn more

Entitlement user roles

Entitlement users can view data for individual customers and their billing subaccounts. For example, they can check a customer's monthly spend or top services. Some information, such as net cost and gross profit, is not shown in the dashboard.

Users require the Billing Account Administrator or Billing Account Viewer on the billing subaccounts that they want to view in the charts. Learn more about entitlement roles.

Set the date range and currency
The dashboard's date range and dates use the Pacific Time Zone, and observe daylight saving time shifts.

Date range

The default date range is Current month (from the first day of this month to today). You can look up data as far back as 1 year from today.

  1. In the upper right of the dashboard, click Date range.

Pulldown menu to select the date rate and currency

  1. Select type of date range. Learn more about date ranges and trends.   
  • By usage date shows the customer usage and costs over the date range. Choose a preset or custom date range. 

  • By invoice date shows customer usage and costs over full months. 

Currency setting

If you are billed by Google in multiple currencies, you must filter the dashboard results by currency. Note: The GCP currency setting does not convert costs into other currencies.

Click the GCP currency box and select the currency. The dashboard shows data only for the billing accounts set up in the selected currency (corresponds to your invoices in the selected currency). Learn more about currencies for Cloud Billing accounts.

Costs, trends, and data in the dashboard

View data and metrics for orders placed in Partner Sales Console and for billing subaccounts that you assigned to customers. The dashboard also shows the amount of spend for unassigned billing subaccounts.

Dashboard data is retrieved in real time. A date range that includes today's date (such as the current month or a custom date range) displays the most recent usage available.

Types of costs in the dashboard

  • Cost at list price: The cost if Google Cloud's public pricing rate for a SKU or service was applied to the usage. In other words, the cost before discounts, credits, and negotiated prices.
  • Customer cost: The cost expectation for charges to a customer. Uses custom repricing, when available. Does not include your Google Reseller Program discount or offline credits.
  • Net cost (not available to users with Entitlement roles): The total costs for reseller charges. Includes your Google Reseller Program discount, negotiated savings, SUDs, CUDs, and spending-based discounts. Net cost does not include offline credits.
  • Gross profit (not available to users with Entitlement roles): Your total profit, shown as the difference between customer cost and net cost. If you have no custom repricing configurations defined, this is equivalent to your Reseller Program Discount and excludes offline credits.
  • Spend in unassigned billing subaccounts. The total net cost of billing subaccounts that aren't assigned to any customer accounts. Custom repricing does not apply to these accounts.

Note: Custom repricing information is reflected on Customer Cost and Gross profit starting December 1, 2022.

 Trend options

The Trend column shows the change in Customer cost over a date range. 

Top movers chart

Trend and date ranges

In the Date range, you can display the trend By usage date or By invoice date.


Select By usage date to view the trend in customer cost over the same number days immediately preceding the selected dates. 

shows date range for chart date

Select By invoice date to view the trend in customer cost over full months. The trend shows changes in usage and charges on the invoice issued for the previous month or custom month range. 

Chart month comparison

Note: The type of date that you choose might result in different Trend numbers. For example, if you choose the month of February: 

  By usage date  By invoice date
Start date February 1 - February 28 February 1 - February 28
End date January 4 - January 31 January 1 - January 31

Trend preferences

By default, the charts are sorted by Absolute trend, from high to low. Click More and then Trend preferences to select the format for the trend.

  • Absolute: Change in Customer cost, either positive or negative
  • Percent: Change in Customer cost by percentage
  • Raw: Change in Customer cost
View all customers in the dashboard

View customers

Permissions: A GCP reseller role on one or more of your reseller Cloud Billing accounts. Users who have roles only on billing subaccounts can't view all customers in the dashboard. 

  1. Sign in to the Partner Sales Console.
  2. Go to and then Dashboard icon Dashboard.The dashboard is set to All customers. The list shows customer data based on your permissions on your reseller Cloud Billing accounts.
  3. (Optional) Choose a date range and currency for the dashboard. Learn more

Tip: In the upper right, click Customer list to switch to a list of the customer accounts shown in the dashboard. The list includes customers who don't have any billing subaccounts.

Spend for customers

The Spend chart shows your customers' spend by list price, customer cost, and net cost. The spend is based on your customers' billing subaccounts and unassigned billing subaccounts. 

Point to the timeline to view the cost information at a specific date.

Spend in unassigned billing subaccounts

If you have billing subaccounts that aren't assigned to a customer, the dashboard shows the alert, "Includes $<amount> of spend in unassigned billing subaccounts." The amount is total customer cost of unassigned billing subaccounts. Learn more about assigning billing subaccounts to customers

Amount of unassigned billing subaccounts

Top services for all customers

The Top services chart can give you insights to the services your customers use most frequently. The chart lists the five Google Cloud services with the highest charges. If you resell more than five services, the chart shows the top four services and groups the other services in the Other column.

The charges are shown in customer cost.

Top Google Cloud & Maps services chart

Top movers chart

The Top movers chart highlights changes in Customer cost over time.

  • By default, the chart is sorted by the Absolute trend, from high to low. Click More and then Trend preferences to select the format for the trend. Learn more about 
  • Click a column name to sort by the column value.
  • Any unassigned billing subaccounts are grouped under the customer, "Unassigned billing subaccounts". 

Top movers chart

View one customer in the dashboard

View information about a customer's spend, top projects, and most used services.

Open the dashboard for one customer

Permissions: An Entitlement user role on the customer's billing subaccounts, or a GCP reseller role on the reseller Cloud Billing account for the customer's billing subaccounts.

  1. Sign in to the Partner Sales Console.
  2. On the Customers page, click the customer's name.
  3. In the customer's account page, click View dashboard in the upper right.
  4. (Optional) Choose a date range and currency for the dashboard. Learn more

Note: The View dashboard option shows on all customers' account pages, regardless of whether the customer has any Google Cloud subscriptions.

Spend for a customer

View a customer's spend over a period of time. The spend is shown at list price and customer cost, and based on subaccounts assigned to the customer's account.

  • Point to the timeline to view the cost information at a specific date.
  • Click the cost type in the upper right, for example Net cost, to show or hide a graph.

Note: Entitlement Managers and Viewers do not have access to the Net cost graph.

Top projects for a customer

View and sort a customer's projects by name, costs, and trend. The Business entity column lists either Cloud Platform or Maps, under which the service is offered.

  • Click a column name to sort by the column. By default, the chart is sorted by Customer cost, from high to low.
  • Click open  open the project in the Google Cloud.

If a project has been deleted or moved to a different reseller Cloud Billing account, this value is blank, and the project is identified by the Project number.

Note: Entitlement Managers and Viewers do not have access to the Net cost and Gross profit columns.

Top projects fields

Top services for a customer

The Top services chart shows the customer's services with the highest charges (based on customer cost). If the customer uses more than five services, the chart shows the top four services and groups other services in the Other column.

Point to a service to view the charges.

  • The charts don't show data for some billing accounts or subaccounts

  • You might be missing the Billing Account Viewer or Billing Account Administrator role on some of your reseller billing accounts. Check with another Billing Account Administrator or a super administrator in your organization.
  • If you're an Entitlement Manager, you might be missing the Billing Account Viewer or Billing Account Administrator role on the billing subaccounts.
  • Data for Google Cloud offline orders isn't available in the Dashboard charts.
  • A chart is missing information for some subaccounts

Unassigned billing subaccounts show in the charts as "Unassigned spend..." You need to assign a billing subaccount to a customer in the Partner Sales Console for them to display in the chart with their proper name. To view unassigned customer accounts:

  1. From the home page, click Billing > Unassigned subaccounts.

    The Unassigned Billing Subaccounts page lists billing subaccounts that aren't assigned to a customer account.

  2. Follow the steps to assign subaccounts to a customer.

  • Alert message: "Assign Google Cloud Platform customers to their subaccounts..."

When you click View dashboard on a customer's page, you get the alert, "Assign Google Cloud Platform customers to their subaccounts to see aggregate spend, top movers, and more". The View dashboard button appears on all customer accounts, regardless of whether a customer has a billing subaccount (subscription).

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