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Manage notifications and emails

Campaign Manager 360 provides different kinds of notifications:

  • Trafficking notifications: Campaign Manager 360 lists alerts about items related to starred campaigns, including alerts about creatives that need click tags or placements that have no default ads, or the advertiser's Floodlight configuration.

  • In-product messages: Announcements about upcoming changes, temporary UI issues, or other important updates are stored in your list of notifications.

  • Billing notifications: If you can grant billing access to other users, Campaign Manager 360 sends you email notifications when users request billing access.

Trafficking notifications in Campaign Manager 360

Click the bell icon on the upper right to view alerts about starred campaigns.

Use notifications

When you have notifications about specific items, use the notification links to view them. For example, when you have a notification about a creative, Campaign Manager 360 provides a link to view the creative.

When you're done with a notification, click Mark as read underneath it. This grays out the message. The rest of your notifications will remain highlighted.

Notifications for items in starred campaigns

When you star a campaign, Campaign Manager 360 shows it at the top of your campaign list. This way you can easily find your most commonly used campaigns. Starring campaigns also triggers notifications for the campaign.

Star campaigns

  • How to star campaigns: Click Campaigns in Campaign Manager 360 and select the star icon by your campaign. The stars are right next to the checkboxes.

  • How to browse starred campaigns: Use the scrollbar or arrows to cycle through your list of campaigns at the top. You can hide your starred campaign boxes with the Hide starred campaigns button. They will no longer appear at the top, but you will still be able to find them in your campaign list.

Choose notifications

Campaign Manager 360 lists notifications about starred campaign items in the "Notifications" pane. Here's how to choose which notifications you see there:

  1. Click Settings  in the upper right.

  2. Click Notifications.

  3. Switch alerts ON or OFF to change whether appear in your notifications list. Note that this only changes whether these alerts are listed in the "Notifications" pane. Your alerts will always appear next to the items themselves in Campaign Manager 360.

  4. Click Save.

In-product messages

Click the bell icon on the upper right to view in-product messages about important issues or upcoming changes. These notifications can't be disabled.

Billing notifications

Billing notifications are sent by email whenever a Campaign Manager 360 user requests billing access. If you're able to authorize billing access for other users, billing notifications are enabled by default.

Turn notifications on or off

Here's how to choose whether to receiving billing notifications:

  1. Click Settings  in the upper right.

  2. Click Notifications.

  3. At the bottom of the page, switch notifications for billing access requests ON or OFF.

  4. Click Save.

Change your email settings for other updates

You can receive emails for other updates for all of the Google Marketing Platform products you use. To receive these emails, you'll need to update your communication preferences in Google Marketing Platform Home. 

  1. From the top right of any Google Marketing Platform product, including Display & Video 360, Campaign Manager 360, or Search Ads 360, click the option to switch accounts at the top of the screen. 
  2. Select Platform Home. A new page will open for Google Marketing Platform Home. 
  3. In Platform Home, clickat the top of the page, then click User settings.
  4. Select each type of communication you want to receive. The options include:
    1. Performance suggestions and updates
    2. Feature announcements
    3. Feedback and testing opportunities
    4. Offers from Google
  5. Click Save.

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