Billing user roles and permissions

Campaign Manager 360 offers self-service billing management functionality. Any user with billing permissions can access billing functions such as editing billing information, viewing fees and rates, and downloading fee reports and invoices.

Depending on the billing user role, the user may also have the ability to enable billing access to other users in Campaign Manager 360. Unless explicitly granted additional Trafficking permissions, billing users have read-only access to advertisers and campaigns.

Request billing access

Any Campaign Manager 360 user can request billing access in their account:

  1. Go to Admin > Billing.
  2. Click the Request billing access button. A notification email will be sent to the people who can authorize billing access for the account.

If you don't have billing access and don't see the "Request billing access" button on the Billing page, Google may not be able to identify the appropriate authorizers for the account. In this case, contact support for assistance.

Grant billing access to other users

Admins with billing access and and billing managers can grant access related to billing functionalities while limiting wider access to campaign management.

To grant billing access:

  1. Go to Admin > User profiles and select the user profile you want to add billing permissions to. If you need to add a new user, follow the steps for setting up access for a user.
  2. On the Properties tab, check the Enable billing read & write access for this user checkbox.
  3. Select a billing user role.

    It's important to assign the appropriate billing user role. For more details on each role, consult the billing user roles table below, but here's a summary:

    • Billing User - Billing access only
    • Billing Manager - Billing access and can also grant billing access to others
    • Standard User - Billing access and can also be assigned an additional user role with campaign management capabilities
  4. Click Save.

Note that the user profiles of billing users cannot be limited to particular subaccounts, advertisers, or campaigns. Check the following:

  • On the Properties tab, make sure that nothing is selected in the Subaccount field.
  • On the Filters tab, make sure there are no advertiser or campaign filters.

Billing request notifications

When a user requests billing access, an email is sent to other users of the account who can approve the request. Follow the link in the email to go to the requester's user profile, then follow the steps above to grant access.

If you're able to authorize billing access for other users, billing notifications are enabled by default.

Turn notifications on or off

Here's how to choose whether to receiving billing notifications:

  1. Click Settings  in the upper right.

  2. Click Notifications.

  3. At the bottom of the page, switch notifications for billing access requests ON or OFF.

  4. Click Save.

Billing users

Billing access is granted per user profile. In the user profile's Properties tab, the “Enable billing read & write access for this user” checkbox must be selected.

Once billing access is enabled, a billing user role can be selected depending on what additional permissions should be granted.

Billing user roles

Billing user role Access Grant billing access to other users
Campaign management Billing-related features Tech fee reporting
Billing User No
(Read-only access to advertisers and campaigns)
(Read & Write)
Yes No
Billing Manager No
(Read-only access to advertisers and campaigns)
(Read & Write)
Yes Yes
Standard User Depends on Trafficking permissions Yes
(Read & Write)
Yes Depends on "User profiles" and "User Roles" permissions

Billing access can only be enabled for users with no advertiser or campaign filters, and with no subaccounts assigned at the user profile level.

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