Manage campaigns

Edit a campaign by spreadsheet

Using a spreadsheet for bulk creation and assignment in Campaign Manager 360

You can use a spreadsheet to create new campaigns and make changes to existing campaigns in bulk more quickly than using the Campaign Manager 360 user interface. You can use a spreadsheet for:

  • Editing (placements, ads, and tracking creatives)
  • Creation (placements, ads and tracking creatives)
  • Assignment (placements, ads and creatives)
  • Unassignment (placements, ads and creatives)

Generating a spreadsheet

You begin the process of generating a spreadsheet by clicking the Export button within a Campaign. This opens the Export Sheet dialog from where you can select from a list of templates including:

  • Summary
  • Placements
  • Ads
  • Creatives
  • Placements and Ads
  • Ads and Creatives

Default spreadsheet templates include predefined columns whose appearance you can customize (reorder, remove or add new columns to) as required . You can also choose how filters should be applied to rows (active, inactive, all) in the exported spreadsheet. If you intend to reuse your spreadsheet, you can save it to create a custom template by assigning it a unique name. 

After you open the exported spreadsheet, place your mouse over a column heading to view an explanation of its purpose. Each row in the spreadsheet represents a placement or ad-creative or a combination of each, depending on the columns selected.

Managing saved templates

You can't rename or delete default templates but you can for custom templates. Note: If you delete a save template, it can't be restored.

Editing entities

You can make changes to campaigns already in Campaign Manager 360 (e.g. change the name of a placement or an ad) by editing the relevant fields in the spreadsheet.You can also edit assignments between entities in existing campaigns by including the relevant fields at the time of export.

Note: Where an ad entity is assigned to multiple placements, or where a creative is assigned to multiple ads, Campaign Manager 360 processes the data in the first row containing the instance of that entity (after the spreadsheet is imported). For this reason, it is recommended that you make edits to an entity in all rows where that entity appears in the spreadsheet.

Entity creation

The recommended way to create a new entity is to copy the data fields from the most recent row in the spreadsheet which contains that entity instance and then paste this data into an empty row (the creation row). You must then clear the id field from the creation row and then enter a new entity name. Campaign Manager interprets empty id fields in the spreadsheet as an instruction to create a new entity. If you do not change the entity name, then Campaign Manager will create a duplicate entity with the same name in your campaign.

The following examples show how to create different types of entities. Only the id and name fields for the entity being created are shown in these examples but you should copy all data fields from the most recent instance of these entities in the spreadsheet (e.g. copy placement data into the placement section of the creation row and copy ad data into the ad section of the creation row).

You can create:

  • Placements
  • Ads
  • Tracking creatives

Example: Creating a placement

The following table shows how to create a new placement. Leaving the placement id field blank tells Campaign Manager 360 that you are creating a new placement with the name in the Placement Name field. When creating a placement, there is no need to insert data in ad and creative fields (these can be left empty) but you can do so if you wish.
Placement Id Placement Name

Example: Creating an ad

The following table shows how to create a new ad. When creating an ad, there is no need to insert data in the placement and creative fields but you can do so if you wish.

Ad Id Ad Name

Example: Creating tracking creatives

To create tracking creatives, leave the Creative ID field blank and enter a name in the  Creative Name  field and set the Creative Type to TRACKING. Currently, tracking creatives are the only types of creatives that can be created. The following table shows how to create new tracking creatives. When creating a tracking creative, there is no need to insert data in placement and ad fields (these can be left empty) but you can do so if you wish. If the Creative Type  column is left empty, Campaign Manager will assume a tracking creative is being created by default. For more examples on how to use the spreadsheet to manage tracking ads, see tracking ads.
Creative ID Creative Name Creative Type


  SiteServed_1x1 TRACKING


Entity assignment

This section covers:

  • Assignment of existing entities
  • Simultaneously creating and assigning new entities

Assigning existing entities

When evaluating a row of the spreadsheet, Campaign Manager 360 automatically assigns an ad to a placement in a row if the ad has not already been assigned to that placement. The same rule applies when assigning creatives to ads.

The spreadsheet supports both assignment and editing in a single same row i.e. it will attempt to update an entity (using  placement id, ad id and creative id)  to match data entered in the row which contains the final instance of that entity. Therefore, when making assignments, it is recommended that you copy and paste the data for existing entities from other rows to avoid making accidental updates to those entities.

The following examples show how to perform different types of assignments. Only the id and name fields in the assignment row are shown in these examples but you should copy all data fields from the most recent instance of the entities you are assigning, into a new row (the assignment row), then make changes there. 

Example: Assigning an ad to a placement

The following table shows how to assign an existing ad to a placement.

Placement ID Placement Name  Ad ID Ad Name
987654321 ZZZ_FeaturedProduct_300x250 123456789 Trainers_300x250
When assigning an ad to a placement, any creatives already assigned to the ad are unaffected by leaving the creative fields empty.

Example: Assigning a creative to an ad

Only creatives which have already been uploaded into Campaign Manager 360 can be assigned. The only kind of creative that can be created through the spreadsheet is a tracking creative. The following table shows how to assign an existing creative to an ad.

Ad ID Ad Name Creative ID Creative Name
888888888 Holiday_Ad_300x250 777777777 Sevens_Creative
When assigning a creative to an ad, existing placements for that ad are unaffected by leaving the placement fields empty.



Simultaneously creating and assigning new entities

You can also create and assign entities at the same time. Since (by definition) entities cannot have an id before they are created, assignment of newly created entities sometimes requires the use of placeholder identifiers to help Campaign Manager 360 to identify them where multiple assignments are being performed simultaneously.

Example: Creating and assigning a new ad to a new placement

You can create a placement while simultaneously creating and assigning ads to it by inserting the name of the placement  in the  Placement Name field and the name of the ad  in the  Ad Name field of the same row. Leaving the Campaign Placement ID and Ad ID fields empty instructs Manager 360  to create new entities.

Placement ID Placement Name Ad ID Ad Name
  BigBoxBlog_FeaturedProduct_300x250   Trainers_300x250

Example: Assigning multiple new ads to a new placement

To  simultaneously create and assign more than one ad to a placement, you must insert an identical placeholder identifier in the  Placement ID field of each row containing the placement to which you wish to assign the ads you are creating. The following table shows how you can use a placeholder id to assign three new ads to a newly created placement.

Placement ID Placement Name Ad ID Ad Name
XYZ BigBoxBlog_FeaturedProduct_300x250   Electronics_Ad_300x250
XYZ BigBoxBlog_FeaturedProduct_300x250   Appliances_Ad_300x250
XYZ BigBoxBlog_FeaturedProduct_300x250   SmartHome_Ad_300x250

Example: Assigning a creative to a new ad

You can create an ad and simultaneously assign a creative to it by inserting the id of the creative  in the Creative ID field and the name of the ad you are creating in the Ad Name field of the same row, as shown in the following table.

Ad ID Ad Name Creative ID
  Football_Ad_300x250 555555555

Example: Assigning multiple creatives to a new ad

To assign more than one creative to an ad which you are creating, insert an identical placeholder identifier for the ad in the  Ad ID field. The following table shows how to create a new ad and simultaneously assign three creatives to it.

Ad ID Ad Name Creative ID Creative Name
QRS Football_Ad_300x250   A
QRS Football_Ad_300x250   B
QRS Football_Ad_300x250   C

Requirements for identifiers

If you are assigning previously created placements, ads and creatives, you must use the 9-digit numeric id assigned to them by Campaign Manager 360. When simultaneously creating and assigning placements, ads and creatives, you must use a  placeholder id in order for Campaign Manager 360 to create an association between different rows in the spreadsheet. Placeholder ids must have at least one letter or punctuation mark but they cannot contain a solely numerical  value. E.g., "1044A'' and "Placement 1044" and "-1044" are all valid entries, but "1044" is not.  Once new placements, ads and tracking creatives are uploaded,  Campaign Manager 360 assigns them a 9-digit numeric id which must be used if subsequently referencing these entities. 

Importing your completed spreadsheet 

Once you have finished making changes you can upload them to Campaign Manager 360 by clicking Import then the Import Spreadsheet button. You can check the progress of ongoing uploads by clicking Sheet status. Once processed, you will receive an email notification and your new placements, ads and creatives will appear in the Campaign Manager 360 user interface. It is important to be aware that If you upload the same spreadsheet again without first deleting the information it contains, these will be duplicated in the user interface. To make further changes to the same campaign, you must first export a new spreadsheet then make your edits in the new file.

Tracking ads

You can now also use the spreadsheet set up trackers using a combination of tracking ads, tracking creatives, and placements. Campaign manager supports a variety of configurations ranging from simple to more advanced. The following  examples show how you can do this using  similar techniques to those shown previously.

Example: Creating placements that share a tracking ad

The following table shows how you can use placeholder ids to create placements and simultaneously assign them a single tracking ad and creative.

Placement ID Placement Name Ad ID Ad Name Creative ID Creative Name
  SiteServed_Tracker_1 QRS1 Tracking Ad TUV1 Tracking Creative
  WalledGarden_Tracker_2 QRS1 Tracking Ad TUV1 Tracking Creative
  Video_Tracker_3 QRS1 Tracking Ad TUV1 Tracking Creative

Example: Creating tracking ads with their own tracking ad and creative

The following table shows how you can create placements which have their own distinct tracking ad and creative assigned. This is useful in scenarios where the creative name differs by placement or a different  landing page is needed for each placement, etc.

Placement ID Placement Name Ad ID Ad Name Creative ID Creative Name



  MobilePhone_300x250   MobilePhone_300x250



  Television_300x250   Television_300x250



  HiFiSound_300x250   HiFiSound_300x250







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