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Link Google Analytics 4 to a Floodlight configuration in Campaign Manager 360

Linking Google Analytics to Campaign Manager 360 allows you to view Google Analytics 4 conversions and use Google Analytics 4 attribution models in Campaign Manager 360.

Display & Video 360 and new Search Ads 360 advertisers associated with the Floodlight configuration can also bid and report on Google Analytics 4 conversions. Learn more About linking Google Analytics 4 to Display & Video 360.

Note: Google signals should be enabled in Google Analytics 4 property settings in order to have Floodlight attribution run properly for Google Analytics 4 collected web conversion events. Learn more about how to Activate Google signals for Google Analytics properties.

Required permissions

Link a Google Analytics 4 property to a Floodlight configuration in Campaign Manager 360

  1. In your Campaign Manager 360 advertiser, under Floodlight, click Configuration.
  2. Click Google Analytics to expand the section.
  3. Click New link.
    1. If you have edit access for the Google Analytics 4 property you want to link, click Choose Property and select the Google Analytics 4 property.
    2. If you do not have edit access for the Google Analytics 4 property you want to link, select Request access and enter the property ID and admin email.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click Next
  6. Configure the settings.
    1. Click Enable Personalized Advertising for data from the Google Analytics property to be used for ads personalization.
    2. Click Enable Campaign / Cost Data Sharing to allow Campaign Manager 360 data to be available in Google Analytics reporting.
    3. Note that the Enable Auto-tagging setting allows Analytics to attribute Campaign Manager 360 traffic to ad clicks. This is required to be enabled.
  7. Click Link to send the request.
    1. A notification email will be sent to the Analytics 4 property editor to review and approve the linking. If you also have edit access for the Google Analytics 4 property, the request will be automatically approved upon finalizing the request.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Apply.

For improved attribution signals, we recommend enabling enhanced attribution for Floodlight configurations that you linked to Google Analytics 4. Learn more about Enhanced attribution.

Unlink a Google Analytics 4 property

  1. In your Campaign Manager 360 advertiser, under Floodlight, click Configuration.
  2. Click Google Analytics to expand the section.
  3. Click the checkbox next to the account you want to unlink.
  4. Click Unlink.

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