The bulk upload spreadsheet supports a general address format, so you can verify your locations in many countries/regions.
Enter the address information for each location using the official postal address format for its region. Depending on the region, address formats can vary widely. Some fields will be required, optional, or not used at all. For example, administrative area is required in Australia, optional in Portugal, and not used in France. Address line 1 and country/region are always required.
You’ll be notified if you need to correct any fields that are missing required information, or contain incorrect information for the location’s region.
You can manage an individual profile on Search and Maps. To manage multiple profiles in bulk at once, you can use Business Profile Manager. If you want to add another profile, on Google Search, select the three-dot menu Add a new Business Profile.
Address line 1: | 1599 Amphitheatre Parkway |
Locality: | Mountain View |
Administrative area: | CA |
Country/Region: | US |
Postal code: | 94043 |
Address line 1: | Avenida Paulista, 358 |
Sub-locality: | Bela Vista |
Locality: | São Paulo |
Administrative area: | SP |
Country/Region: | BR |
Postal code: | 01310-000 |
Address line 1: | 札幌市中央区北4条西4−2 |
Administrative area: | 北海道 |
Country/Region: | JP |
Postal code: | 060-0004 |
To see additional examples of international addresses:
- Sign in to Business Profile Manager and choose the account you would like to manage.
- Click the create icon
in the bottom right corner of your screen.
- Click
Import locations from a file.
- Click
Download sample spreadsheet.
Refer to the guidelines below to determine what you should enter into each field of the spreadsheet:
Expand all Collapse all Address lines
All necessary address information that doesn't fit into the other fields listed below. For most countries/regions, the first line will include a street number and street name. Suite numbers, floors, building numbers, etc. may also be included.
Note: Japan addresses should include all information except prefecture and postal code in the address line fields.
Information like cross-streets and nearby landmarks should only be included in regions where the official street address doesn’t accurately pinpoint the business's location.
You can have up to 5 address lines for each location (maximum 80 characters per line). Learn more about address entry guidelines.
- 678 Lafayette Ave
Suite 2B - Graha Bumi Surabaya Lt. V
Jl. Basuki Rahmat no.106 - 128 - 雨竜郡秩父別町秩父別4105
The neighborhood where the business is located. A neighborhood is smaller than a locality (city). (Maximum 80 characters)
For the specific terms used for sub-localities in different countries/regions, refer to the table below.
Term | Country/Region |
District | South Korea |
Local government area | Nigeria |
Neighborhood | Brazil Mexico |
Suburb | New Zealand Philippines South Africa |
Tambon/Khwaeng | Thailand |
Townland | Ireland |
Village/Township | Malaysia |
- Asa norte (Brazil)
- Bundang-gu (South Korea)
- Centro (Mexico)
The city or town where the business is located. In rare cases this may not be the city itself, if the local postal format uses an alternative (e.g. if your business location is in Brooklyn, then “Brooklyn” is listed as the locality instead of “New York City”). (Maximum 80 characters)
For the specific terms used for localities in different countries/regions, refer to the table below.
Term | Country/Region |
Amphoe/Khet | Thailand |
City | Various countries/regions |
District | Hong Kong Turkey |
Post town | Norway Sweden United Kingdom |
Suburb | Australia |
- Chicago (United States)
- Mumbai (India)
- London (United Kingdom)
The state or province where the business is located. Enter the full name (e.g. "California"), common postal abbreviation (e.g. "CA"), or subdivision (ISO 3166-2) code (e.g. "US-CA"). (Maximum 80 characters)
Requirements for this field can vary by language and country/region, so you may need to try entering different variations of your administrative area before it’s accepted. If you encounter errors, try entering your administrative area using:
- A different option listed above. For example, if the full name is not accepted, try using the common postal abbreviation or the ISO 3166-2 code.
- An alternative spelling of the full name.
- A different local language.
- Latin script. For example, if your local language is written in a script like Cyrillic or Kanji, try entering the administrative area name using Latin script.
For the specific terms used for administrative areas in different countries/regions, refer to the table below.
Term | Country/Region |
Area | Hong Kong |
County | Ireland Taiwan |
Department | Colombia Nicaragua |
District | Nauru |
Do/Si | South Korea |
Emirate | United Arab Emirates |
Island | Various countries/regions |
Oblast | Russia Ukraine |
Parish | Barbados Jamaica |
Prefecture | Japan |
Province | Various countries/regions |
State | Various countries/regions |
- California (United States)
- Ontario (Canada)
- Uttar Pradesh (India)
The postal code of the business. If the postal code begins with zero, make sure that your spreadsheet formatting doesn't automatically remove the zero as the first digit.
For the specific terms used for postal codes in different countries/regions, refer to the table below.
Term | Country/Region |
Eircode | Ireland |
Pincode | India |
Postal code | Various countries/regions |
ZIP code | United States |
The country or region where the business is located. Enter the full name, or use the two-letter code (ISO 3166-1). See the list of all countries/regions that Google Business Profile supports.