Get started with a hotel Business Profile

Hotel amenities

Known issue: You can't update hotel attributes through the spreadsheet upload. To update hotel attributes, use the API and dashboard. Learn more about Business Profile API.

When you search for a hotel on Google, you may see information about amenities offered by the hotel, such as Wi-Fi service or a swimming pool.

Hotel amenities

Google collects this information from a variety of sources to help customers decide where to stay.

Edit inaccurate amenities

Hotels can edit certain attributes in Business Profile. 

If you notice an inaccurate hotel amenity, let us know by contacting us.

Get help from Small Business Advisors

Want to receive one-on-one guidance and tailored recommendations on how to make the most out of your Business Profile? Try booking an appointment with Small Business Advisors.

Important: This service cannot troubleshoot issues, including Business Profile verification or suspension, or Google Ads billing.

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