About Product Studio for Business Profile


  • Only merchants within the United States can use Product Studio.
  • When you use Product Studio, you agree to its Terms of Service.

With Product Studio, you can easily create and enhance high-quality product images. It’s an AI-powered tool that comes at no charge and can help you save time and resources. You can use the tool to:

  • Generate scenes
  • Edit backgrounds

Your images can help you attract more customers when you scale them across your marketing channels.

If you have an existing Merchant Account, you can explore all the features of Product Studio. Learn more about Product Studio for Merchant Center.

Maximize your Product Studio experience

What to expect

As this feature is still experimental, it may generate unexpected images and works best with certain products. This feature doesn’t support images with identifiable or photorealistic people, hands, walled art, and light fixtures. It also doesn’t support image creation for regulated goods such as:

  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Gambling-related products
  • Weapons
  • Tobacco
  • Fireworks
  • Health and medical devices
For additional information, review the Terms of Service.
Select the correct product image

To achieve the best results with Product Studio, select an image that doesn’t:

  • Include humans.
  • Contain watermarks or copyrighted material.
  • Contain regulated goods and services like weapons, medicine, and alcohol.

Choose one main product image: Select the first image that only has one main product. Image recognition doesn’t work well if Product Studio can’t easily identify the main product in the first image.

Do Don't
One main product Multiple products

Place the product at the center of the image: If the main product covers a large portion of the image, like very close or touching the edge of the image, make the product smaller.

Do Don't
Product at the center Product image is too large

Do not use images that contain humans using your products: Use an input image that doesn't show the product on a person.

Do Don't
No humans or animals With humans or animals

Do not select product images that involve hands or other props: To showcase main products, use an image that doesn’t have hands or other props.

Do Don't
No hands or props With hands or props

Generate a scene for your product on Google Search

To showcase your products, you can change the background scene of your product with Product Studio.

  1. Go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
  2. To generate a scene for your product, select Edit products and then Get started.
  3. Select the image you want to edit.
    • Wait until the background from your image is removed.
  4. Select a theme for your product.
    • Choose a generated image from the editor.
  5. If you’re satisfied with the image, select Add image to product.
  6. You’ll receive a confirmation to save the image, select OK.

Once you saved the generated image for your product, from the product editor:

  1. Fill out the fields in the form.
  2. To submit your product, select Publish.

Add a AI-generated background image to your post on the Google Maps app

Important: This feature is only available on iOS.

  1. Go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
  2. To add an AI generated background, select Add update and then Add a photo or video.
  3. On the pop-up screen, select Transform with AI .
  4. Select the image you want to edit.
  5. Select a theme for your image.
  6. Select Generate.
    • Wait for the image to generate.
  7. Review the generated image from the editor.
    • If you’re satisfied with the image, select Add and then Continue.
    • If you choose to generate another image, select Regenerate.

Once the generated image is added to your post:

  1. Add a description.
  2. Choose to publish or preview your post.
    • To get a preview of your changes: Select Preview.
      • If you want to make more changes, at the bottom left, select Back Back.
    • To publish your post: At the bottom right, select Publish.

Tip: Generated images can’t be recovered, it’s recommended that before you add an image to your post, you need to save it first.

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