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Get started with Small Business Advisors

Important: At this time, the Small Business Advisors program is only available to US businesses and supported in English.

You can have a one-on-one business product consultation with Small Business Advisors to help your business succeed. Small businesses can schedule a 50-minute online appointment with a specially-trained Google Advisor who can:

  • Provide guidance directly from Google.
  • Tailor recommendations based on your specific business needs.
  • Help you learn Google products such as Business Profile, Ads, and Analytics.

Tip: This service doesn't include troubleshooting or Business Profile manual verification.


Important: The Small Business Advisors service isn't available for:

  • Non-US businesses
  • Large businesses
  • Marketing or SEO agencies
  • Users with a suspended Google account
  • Users without a Google account

Small Business Advisors help small businesses that want to enhance their understanding of Google products and tools. We can guide you through product setup, answer specific questions, and help out in various ways in a focused, one-on-one setting.

Whether you're well-established or brand new, appointments are available to small businesses located and operated in the United States. Our Small Business Advisors specialize in direct communication with small business owners who are usually in charge of managing both their business and their online presence. Advisors are particularly helpful when:

  • You’ve never used Google products for your business.
  • You want to increase your understanding of Google products and tools.
  • You feel overwhelmed or uncertain about your business’s online presence.
  • You don’t have an online marketing specialist or outside marketing agency.

If you have a Google Ads account manager, they're better suited to help you with Google Ads.

How Small Business Advisors works

Our goal is to help you grow your business, we can help you set up:

  • Google products
  • Share best practices for product use
  • Provide tailored answers to questions about your business's online presence

Small Business Advisors take a holistic approach toward digital guidance. During your online appointment, your Advisor gives you customized recommendations based on your goals, industry, business model, and needs.

Your Advisor can help you with:

  • Google Business Profile
  • Google Ads
  • Google Merchant Center
  • Google Workspace
  • Google Analytics
  • YouTube
  • Any other Google product that supports small businesses

Advisors can also answer any questions to help you better understand Google products and how they can help your business succeed. Learn more about how an Advisor can help you.

Tip: When you book an appointment, you can find common topics we can help with. These topics include product setup, how to interpret reports and results, and how to make the most out of Google business products.

Book your appointment

  1. On your computer, sign in to Small Business Advisors.
  2. In the "Overview" tab, in the top right, click Book appointment.
  3. Select an appointment time, the products you want to discuss, and your objectives for the meeting.
  4. On the confirmation page, click Confirm appointment.

After you confirm, you receive a booking confirmation email that contains a link to join your online appointment at the scheduled time.

Join the Google Meet online appointment

  1. At your scheduled time, on your computer, open your Google Chrome browser.
  2. Click the link provided in your booking confirmation email.
    • Alternatively, sign in to Small Business Advisors and, at the top right, click Manage appointment to access the link.
  3. Your Advisor provides tailored recommendations to enhance your business's online presence using Google products.
  4. Once your appointment begins, you can choose if you’d like to turn off your camera or keep it on. Learn how to present your screen.

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