ONIX 3.0 for Google Play Books

This document explains the ONIX 3.0 tags you need to provide in order for your books to go on sale on Google Play Books.

Required, recommended, and optional tags
Required Not providing a required tag may prevent your books from going on sale.
Recommended Not providing a recommended tag may result in loss of Google Play functionality, but won't prevent your books from going on sale.
Required in this composite If you choose to submit a recommended composite, you must submit tags required in this composite for the data to be valid.
Optional Non-essential tags to be used to enable specific features (e.g., promotional prices, pre-order), or to enrich your data.
Required in this composite If you choose to submit an optional composite, you must submit tags required in this composite for the data to be valid.
Any tags included in your ONIX file must be non-empty, and in the order specified.

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File format and header

XML Encoding Required

Specifies the encoding for the XML file, which should be UTF-8.

When to include: Required.

Type Standard Syntax
XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Issue Message Action
No Standard Encoding The encoding of the ONIX XML file is not UTF-8. There may be issues in the book metadata caused by the conversion process. Provide an ONIX XML file with UTF-8 encoding.
Google strongly recommends using UTF-8 encoding for ONIX 2.1 and 3.0 XML files.

[January 22, 2014] This info message may be triggered even if your files are encoded as UTF-8. We are working to resolve this issue. If you have any questions about this error, please contact us.

XML Schema & Document Type Definition Required

Specifies the document structure. Note that without release="3.0", the file will be interpreted as being ONIX 2.1 and will not validate.

When to include: Either XML Schema or DTD required.

XML Schema


<ONIXMessage xmlns="http://www.editeur.org/onix/3.0/reference" release="3.0">...</ONIXMessage>


<ONIXmessage xmlns="http://www.editeur.org/onix/3.0/short" release="3.0">...</ONIXmessage>


<!DOCTYPE ONIXMessage SYSTEM "http://<your site>/onix/3.0/reference/onix-international.dtd">

Google strongly recommends using the XML Schema as both the document structure and code list values are validated.
<Header> <header> Required

This tag encloses the below information about your file.

When to include: Required.

Reference <Header>...</Header>
Short <header>...</header>
         <Sender> <sender> Required

Information about the entity sending the file.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Required.

Reference <Sender>...</Sender>
Short <sender>...</sender>
                  <SenderName> <x298> Required

The name of the entity sending the file.

When to include: Required.

Type Text
Reference <SenderName>My Publishing Company or Client Services Provider</SenderName>
Short <x298>My Publishing Company or Client Services Provider</x298>
                  <ContactName> <x299> Recommended

Name of contact person at sending entity.

When to include: Recommended.

Type Text
Reference <ContactName>John Smith</ContactName>
Short <x299>John Smith</x299>
                  <EmailAddress> <j272> Recommended

Email address of contact at sending entity.

When to include: Recommended.

Type Email
Reference <EmailAddress>john.smith@publisher.com</EmailAddress>
Short <j272>john.smith@publisher.com</j272>
         <Addressee> <addressee> Optional

Information about the entity to which the ONIX file is being sent.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Optional.

Reference <Addressee>...</Addressee>
Short <addressee>...</addressee>
                  <AddresseeName> <x300> Required in this composite

Name of the entity to which the ONIX file is being sent.

When to include: Optional.

Type Text
Reference <AddresseeName>Google</AddresseeName>
Short <x300>Google</x300>
         <SentDateTime> <x307> Required

Specifies the date and time when the file is being sent -- this field is used to apply the most recent metadata update to your book. Must include year, month and day. May optionally include hour (on a 24-hour clock), minutes, and seconds, which is recommended when sending more than one file per date.

When to include: Required.



Google strongly recommends providing at least hour/minute (YYYYMMDDThhmm) if sending more than one file per day.



Short <x307>20160101T1805</x307>
         <DefaultCurrencyCode> <m182> Optional

Specifies the currency to use for <Price> composites when currency isn't otherwise supplied. Please see the section on ONIX in the article "Currency conversion for books on Google Play" for full details on how to supply prices in different currencies with ONIX.

When to include: Optional.

Type Fixed-length text -- three-letter currency code from Code List 96
Reference <DefaultCurrencyCode>GBP</DefaultCurrencyCode>
Short <m186>GBP</m186>

Basic book information

<Product> <product> Required

This tag encloses the following information about your book.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required for each book in the file; at least one <Product> tag should be included per file.

Reference <Product>...</Product>
Short <product>...</product>
         <RecordReference> <a001> Required

The Record Reference is a unique, permanent identifier not for the Product itself, but rather for the information record about the Product. The Record Reference is used to match up with previously received Product records.

When to include: Required exactly once for each product record.

Type Variable-length, alphanumeric
Reference <RecordReference>myid.9789999999991</RecordReference>
Short <a001>myid.9789999999991</a001>
Google recommends using the product's eISBN-13 value as the base for the Record Reference. The value used is this product's permanent identifier every time you send an update.
         <NotificationType> <a002> Required

The type of notification being provided for the product.

Providing a value of 05 will deactivate the book in Google Play and Google Book Search.

When to include: Required exactly once for each product record.

List 1 Values 01 - Early notification
02 - Advance notification - confirmed
03 - Notification confirmed on publication
05 - Delete
Reference <NotificationType>03</NotificationType>
Short <a002>03</a002>
         <ProductIdentifier> <productidentifier> Required

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once for each <Product> or <RelatedProduct> composite.

Reference <ProductIdentifier>...</ProductIdentifier>
Short <productidentifier>...</productidentifier>
                  <ProductIDType> <b221> Required

ONIX code specifying the Product Identifier type provided.

When to include: Required exactly once per <ProductIdentifier> composite.

List 5 Values 02 - ISBN-10
03 - EAN-13 / GTIN-13 (must be an ISBN)
04 - UPC (must be an ISBN)
15 - ISBN-13
Reference <ProductIDType>15</ProductIDType>
Short <b221>15</b221>
Where possible, Google recommends using <ProductIDType>15</ProductIDType>, and providing the product's eISBN-13 value as the ID Value.
                  <IDValue> <b244> Required

When to include: Required exactly once per <ProductIdentifier> composite.

Type Numeric, of the type specified in the Product ID Type
Reference <IDValue>9789999999991</IDValue>
Short <b244>9789999999991</b244>
         <DescriptiveDetail> <descriptivedetail> Required

Describes the product form and metadata such as title, content description, and authorship.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Product> composite.

Reference <DescriptiveDetail>...</DescriptiveDetail>
Short <descriptivedetail>...</descriptivedetail>
                  <ProductComposition> <x314> Required

Indicates when the product is composed of a single or multiple items.

When to include: Required exactly once per <DescriptiveDetail> composite.

List 2 Values 00 - Single-item retail product
10 - Multiple-item retail product
Reference <ProductComposition>00</ProductComposition>
Short <x314>00</x314>
                  <ProductForm> <b012> Required

Indicates the primary form of the book.

When to include: Required exactly once per <DescriptiveDetail> composite. If the <ProductForm> is not one of EA, EB, EC, ED, the record will not be used to create an entry in the Partner Center, and its prices will not be ingested.

List 150 Values

AJ - Downloadable audio file
BA - Book
BB - Hardback
BC - Paperback / softback
CE - Globe
EA - Digital (delivered electronically)
EB - Digital download and online
EC - Digital online
ED - Digital download
FC - Slides
FF - Film
PH - Kit
PI - Sheet music
PN - Pictures or photographs
VA - Video
VJ - VHS video
VK - Betamax video
VZ - Other video format

Reference <ProductForm>EA</ProductForm>
Short <b012>EA</b012>
                  <ProductFormDetail> <b333> Recommended

Specifies the ebook format.

When to include: Required when specifying a digital <ProductForm> such as ED

List 175 Values

E101 - EPUB
E102 - OEB
E107 - PDF
E133 - Google Edition

Reference <ProductFormDetail>E101</ProductFormDetail>
Short <b333>E101</b333>
                  <Collection><collection> Recommended

This repeatable tag encloses the collection information of which your book belongs. 

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Recommended for each <DescriptiveDetail> composite if the book belongs in a collection.

Reference <Collection>...</Collection>
Short <collection>...</collection>
                           <CollectionType> <x329> Recommended

The type of collection to which the product belongs. 

When to include: Required exactly once for each collection record.

List 148 Values 00 - Unspecified
10 - Publisher collection
11 - Collection éditoriale
20 - Ascribed collection
Reference <CollectionType>10</CollectionType>
Short <x329>10</x329>
                           <CollectionIdentifier > <collectionidentifier> Recommended

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once for each <Collection>  composite.

Reference <CollectionIdentifier>...</CollectionIdentifier>
Short <collectionidentifier>...</collectionidentifier>
                                    <CollectionIDType > <x344> Recommended

ONIX code specifying the Product Identifier type provided.

When to include: Required exactly once per <CollectionIdentifier> composite.

List 13 Values 01 - Proprietary
02 - ISSN
15 - ISBN-13
Reference <CollectionIDType>15</CollectionIDType>
Short <x344>15</x344>
                                    <IDValue > <b244> Recommended

When to include: Required exactly once per <CollectionIdentifier> composite.

Type Numeric, of the type specified in the Product ID Type
Reference <IDValue>9789999999991</IDValue>
Short <b244>9789999999991</b244>
                  <TitleDetail> <titledetail> Required

This repeatable tag encloses the title information about your book.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once for each <DescriptiveDetail> composite.

Reference <TitleDetail>...</TitleDetail>
Short <titledetail>...</titledetail>
                           <TitleType> <b202> Required

Indicates the type of the title.

When to include: Type 01 is required for each book in the file; other additional types (specified in separate instances of <TitleDetail> are optional.

List 15 Values 01 - Distinctive title (book); Cover title (serial); Title on item (serial content item or reviewed resource)
Reference <TitleType>01</TitleType>
Short <b202>01</b202>
                           <TitleElement> <titleelement> Required

A repeatable group of elements representing the title element.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once for each <TitleDetail> composite.

Reference <TitleElement>...</TitleElement>
Short <titleelement>...</titleelement>
                                    <TitleElementLevel> <x409> Required

The level of the title element. <TitleElement> composities with <TitleElementLevel> of 02 will be considered the series name.

When to include: Required exactly once per <TitleElement> composite.

List 149 Values 01 - Product
02 - Collection level
03 - Subcollection
Reference <TitleElementLevel>01</TitleElementLevel>
Short <x409>01</x409>
                                    <PartNumber> <x410> Recommended for Collections

Used to determine the part number of a product within a collection.

When to include: Use in conjunction with <TitleElementLevel>01<TitleElementLevel> to denote the part number in the collection. Use <TitleElementLevel>02<TitleElementLevel> to set the collection title. 


Variable-length integer, e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc., with a suggested maximum length of 3 digits

Reference <PartNumber> 7</PartNumber>
Short <x410>7</x410>
                                    <TitleText> <b203> Required

The text of the title itself.

When to include: Required exactly once for each <TitleElement> composite.

Type Variable-length text
Reference <TitleText>My Book</TitleText>
Short <b203>My Book</b203>
                  <Contributor> <contributor> Required

This repeatable composite tag encloses the contributor (author) information about your book.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once for each <DescriptiveDetail> composite.

Reference <Contributor>...</Contributor>
Short <contributor>...</contributor>
                           <SequenceNumber> <b034> Recommended

Used to determine the preferred order for displaying contributors.

When to include: Required if more than one contributor provided in the same <DescriptiveDetail> composite.


Variable-length integer, e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc., with a suggested maximum length of 3 digits

Reference <SequenceNumber>001</SequenceNumber>
Short <b034>001</b034>
                           <ContributorRole> <b035> Required

Repeatable tag describing the role of the contributor. Type A01 is required for each book in the file; any other additional types are optional and may be displayed on Book detail pages. Authors are surfaced on the Google Play Store book detail page and other contributor  types are displayed on the Google Books Search detail page.

Type: Repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once for each <Contributor> composite.

List 17 Values

A01 - By (author)
A02 - With
A08 - By (photographer)
A09 - Created by
A12 - Illustrated by
A13 - Photographs by
A14 - Text by
A15 - Preface by
A16 - Prologue by
A19 - Afterword by
A20 - Notes by
A21 - Commentaries by
A23 - Foreword by
A24 - Introduction by
A32 - Contributions by
A38 - Original author
A99 - Other primary creator
B01 - Edited by
B03 - Retold by
B04 - Abridged by
B05 - Adapted by
B06 - Translated by
B07 - As told by
B08 - Translated with commentary by
B09 - Series edited by
B11 - Editor-in-chief
B13 - Volume editor
B20 - Consultant editor
C01 - Compiled by

Reference <ContributorRole>00</ContributorRole>
Short <b035>A01</b035>
                           <PersonName> <b036> Required

The name of the person who is a contributor.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Contributor> composite.

Type Variable-length text
Reference <PersonName>Jane Smith</PersonName>
Short <b036>Jane Smith</b036>
                           <BiographicalNote> <b044> Recommended

Biographical note about a contributor.

When to include: Recommended. Repeatable if the same biographical note is provided in multiple languages, specified by the language attribute.

Type Type details
Reference <BiographicalNote>I am a brief biography of this author.</BiographicalNote>
Short <b044>I am a brief biography of this author.</b044>
                  <EditionType> <x419> Optional

Type of edition or version; repeatable if multiple values apply.

When to include: Recommended if one of the values applies.

List 21 Values ABR - Abridged
ANN - Annotated
BRL - Braille
DGO - Digital original
ENH - Enhanced
ILL - Illustrated
FAC - Facsimile
LTE - Large type / Large print
REV - Revised
UBR - Unabridged
Reference <EditionType>ENH</EditionType>
Short <x419>ENH</x419>
                  <Language> <language> Recommended

Specifies the language of the text or, for translations, the language of the original work.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Recommended for non-English books.

Reference <Language>...</Language>
Short <language>...</language>
                           <LanguageRole> <b253> Required in this composite

When to include: Required exactly once per <Language> composite.

List 22 Values 01 - Language of text
02 - Original language of a translated text
Reference <LanguageRole>01</LanguageRole>
Short <b253>01</b253>
                           <LanguageCode> <b252> Required in this composite

ISO code indicating the language.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Language> composite.

List 74 Values Three-letter language code from Code List 74 (ISO 639-2/B)
Reference <LanguageCode>eng</LanguageCode>
Short <b252>eng</b252>
                  <Extent> <extent> Recommended

Used to supply the number of pages.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Recommended.

Reference <Extent>...</Extent>
Short <extent>...</extent>
                           <ExtentType> <b218> Required in this composite

Specifies the extent type.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Extent> composite.

Code List 23 Values 00 - Main content page count
08 - Number of pages in print counterpart
10 - Notional number of pages in digital product
Reference <ExtentType>00</ExtentType>
Short <b218>00</b218>
                           <ExtentValue> <b219> Required in this composite

The number of pages for this Extent Type Code.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Extent> composite.

Type Numeric
Reference <ExtentValue>123</ExtentValue>
Short <b219>123</b219>
                           <ExtentUnit> <b220> Required in this composite

Unit used for <ExtentValue>.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Extent> composite.

List 24 Values 03 - Pages
Reference <ExtentUnit>03</ExtentUnit>
Short <b220>03</b220>
                  <Subject> <subject> Recommended

This repeatable composite tag encloses the following subject information about your book.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Recommended.

Reference <Subject>...</Subject>
Short <subject>...</subject>
                           <MainSubject> <x425> Recommended

An empty element that identifies the main subject category.

When to include: Recommended for the main subject when multiple instances of <Subject> with the same subject scheme are present.

Reference <MainSubject/>
Short <x425/>
                           <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> <b067> Required in this composite

The subject scheme used.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Subject> composite.

List 27 Values

The primary subject codes used on Google Play are:

01 - Dewey
03 - LC classification
04 - LC subject heading
09 - UDC
10 - BISAC Subject Heading
12 - BIC subject category
13 - BIC geographical qualifier
14 - BIC language qualifier (language as subject)
15 - BIC time period qualifier
16 - BIC educational purpose qualifier
26 - Warengruppen-Systematik des deutschen Buchhandels
29 - CLIL
40 - Nippon Decimal Classification
78 - Japanese book trade C-Code

Additional values which can be sent are:

23- Publisher's own category code
24 - Proprietary subject scheme
33 - ECPA Christian Book Category
53 - Soggetto CCE
54 - Qualificatore geografico CCE
55 - Qualificatore di lingua CCE
56 - Qualificatore di periodo storico CCE
57 - Qualificatore di livello scolastico CCE

Reference <SubjectSchemeIdentifier>10</SubjectSchemeIdentifier>
Short <b067>10</b067>
                           <SubjectCode> <b069> Required in this composite

The subject or genre of the book.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Subject> composite.

Type As specified by the scheme specified by <SubjectSchemeIdentifier>
Reference <SubjectCode>LIT01400</SubjectCode>
Short <b069>00</b069>
                  <Audience> <b069> Recommended

Repeatable composite tag about the intended audience of the book.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Recommended.

Type Type details
Reference <Audience>...</Audience>
Short <audience>...</audience>
                           <AudienceCodeType> <b204> Required in this composite

Identifies the scheme used for specifying the audience.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Audience> composite.

List 29 Values 01 - ONIX audience codes
Reference <AudienceCodeType>01</AudienceCodeType>
Short <b204>01</b204>
                           <AudienceCodeValue> <b206> Required in this composite

Specifies the audience, according to the scheme in <AudienceCodeType>

When to include: Required exactly once per <Audience> composite.

List from ONIX audience codes 01 - General/trade
02 - Children/juvenile
03 - Young adult
04 - Primary and secondary/elementary and high school
05 - College/higher education
06 - Professional and scholarly
07 - ELT/ESL
08 - Adult education
Reference <AudienceCodeValue>01</AudienceCodeValue>
Short <b206>01</b206>
                   <AudienceRange> <audiencerange> Recommended

Composite describing the audience or readership range. An example is provided below.

When to include: Recommended.

Reference <AudienceRange>...</AudienceRange>
Short <audiencerange>...</audiencerange>
                            <AudienceRangeQualifier> <b074> Required in this composite

ONIX code specifying how <AudienceRange> is measured (e.g., by age, by school grade, etc.).

When to include: Required exactly once per <AudienceRange> composite.

Code List 30 11 - US School Grade Range
12 - UK School Grade Range
17 - Interest Age Range
18 - Reading Age Range
26 - Canadian School Grade Range
Reference <AudienceRangeQualifier>11</AudienceRangeQualifier>
Short <b074>17</b074>
                           <AudienceRangePrecision> <b075> Required in this composite

The precision of the value specified in the following <AudienceRangeValue>.

When to include: Required at least once per <AudienceRange> composite. A second occurrence is allowed if the <AudienceRange> contains a From value and a To value (see the example below).

List 31 Values 01 - Exact
03 - From
04 - To


Short <b075>03</b075>
                            <AudienceRangeValue> <b076> Required in this composite

Value of the range of specified in the <AudienceRange> composite.

When to include: Required at least once per <AudienceRange> composite. A second occurrence is allowed if the <AudienceRange> contains a From value and a To value (see the example below).

Type String
Reference <AudienceRangeValue>12</AudienceRangeValue>
Short <b076>12</b076>
Example: The following provides an interest-based age range of ages 8 to 12, inclusive:

  <!-- Specify that this is an interest-based age range -->

  <!-- Provide the lower end of the range ("From") -->

  <!-- Provide the upper end of the range ("To") -->
         <CollateralDetail> <collateraldetail> Recommended

Provides additional marketing material for the book, including summary, description, review quotes, etc.

Partly replaces <OtherText> in ONIX 2.1.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Recommended.

Reference <CollateralDetail>...</CollateralDetail>
Short <collateraldetail>...</collateraldetail>
                  <TextContent> <textcontent> Recommended

Repeatable group describing a piece of textual content which provides additional marketing details about the book.

When to include: Recommended.

For book descriptions, Google recommends providing a <TextContent> composite with <TextType> of 02 or 03 for each book. Only one description is displayed if more than one is provided, prioritizing 03 (Description) over 02 (Short description/annotation).

Google also recommends providing a <TextContent> composite with <TextType> of 12 (Biographical note) for each book.

Reference <TextContent>...</TextContent>
Short <textcontent>...</textcontent>
                           <TextType> <x426> Required in this composite

ONIX code specifying what type of text is provided.

When to include: Required exactly once per <TextContent> composite.

Code List 153

02 - Short description/annotation
03 - Description
04 - Table of contents
05 - Flap / cover copy
06 - Review quote
09 - Endorsement
12 - Biographical note (attached to book, will show in Partner Center at book level)

Reference <TextType>06</TextType>
Short <x426>06</x426>
                           <ContentAudience> <x427> Required in this composite

ONIX code specifying the intended audience for the text.

Type: Repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once per <TextContent> composite.

Code List 154 00 - unrestricted
Reference <ContentAudience>00</ContentAudience>
Short <x427>00</x427>
                           <Text> <d104> Required in this composite

Actual text for <TextContent> composite.

When to include: Required at least once for each <TextContent> composite. Repeatable when the same text is provided in multiple languages, specified by the language attribute (see Code List 74, ISO 639-2/B for language codes).

Type String
Reference <Text language="fre">Meilleur livre de l'année.</Text>
Short <d104 language="fre">Meilleur livre de l'année.</d104>
                           <TextAuthor> <d107> Optional

Name of the author of the text.

When to include: Optional.

Type String
Reference <TextAuthor>Hannah Bell</TextAuthor>
Short <d107>Hannah Bell</d107>
                           <SourceTitle> <x428> Optional

Source of the text.

When to include: Optional.

Type String
Reference <SourceTitle>3rd Annual Review of Good Books</SourceTitle>
Short <x428>3rd Annual Review of Good Books</x428>
                           <ContentDate> <contentdate> Optional

Information about a date associated with the collateral text.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Optional.

Reference <ContentDate>...</ContentDate>
Short <contentdate>...</contentdate>
                                    <ContentDateRole> <x429> Required in this composite

An ONIX code indicating the significance of the Content Date.

When to include: Required exactly once per <ContentDate> composite.

Code List 155 01 - Publication date
Reference <ContentDateRole>01</ContentDateRole>
Short <x429>01</x429>
                                    <Date> <b306> Required in this composite

The date associated with the text.

When to include: Required exactly once per <ContentDate> composite.

Type Date of default format YYYYMMDD (different formats specified with the dateformat attribute, using Code List 55 values)
Reference <Date dateformat="00">20150101</Date>
Short <b306 dateformat="00">20150101</b306>
                  <ContentDetail> <contentdetail> Recommended

Used to describe chapters or other parts in a structured way.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Recommended.

Reference <ContentDetail>...</ContentDetail>
Short <contentdetail>...</contentdetail>
                           <ContentItem> <contentitem> Required in this composite

Repeatable element for each item within <ContentDetail>.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once for each <ContentDetail> composite.

Reference <ContentItem>...</ContentItem>
Short <contentitem>...</contentitem>
                                    <TextItem> <textitem> Required in this composite

Composite containing information for the text item.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Required exactly once for each <ContentItem> composite.

Reference <TextItem>...</TextItem>
Short <textitem>...</textitem>
                                             <TextItemType> <b290> Required in this composite

When to include: Required exactly once for each <TextItem> composite.

Code List 42 03 - Body matter
Reference <TextItemType>03</TextItemType>
Short <b290>03</b290>
                                             <NumberOfPages> <b061> Optional

The number of pages of text described by the enclosing <TextItem>.

When to include: Optional; up to one per <TextItem> composite.

Not the number of pages of the book. To specify the number of pages of the book, use <Extent>
Type Positive number
Reference <NumberOfPages>2</NumberOfPages>
Short <b061 >2</b061>
         <PublishingDetail> <publishingdetail> Required

Composite containing publisher, imprint, and publishing status details.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Required for <NotificationType> values 01, 02, and 03.

Reference <PublishingDetail>...</PublishingDetail>
Short <publishingdetail>...</publishingdetail>
                  <Imprint> <imprint> Recommended

Repeatable group which carries the imprint name.

Type:Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Optional

Reference <Imprint>...</Imprint>
Short <imprint>...</imprint>
                           <ImprintName> <b079> Required in this composite

When to include: Required exactly once per <Imprint>.

Type Text
Reference <ImprintName>Electric Aardvark Press</ImprintName>
Short <b079>Electric Aardvark Press</b079>
                  <Publisher> <publisher> Recommended

Repeatable group describing the entity acting as publisher for this book.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Recommended

Reference <Publisher>...</Publisher>
Short <publisher>...</publiser>
                           <PublishingRole> <b291> Required in this composite

ONIX code identifying the publisher's role.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Publisher> composite.

Code List 45 01 - Publisher
Reference <PublishingRole>01</PublishingRole>
Short <b291>01</b291>
                           <PublisherName> <b081> Required in this composite

Name of the publishing entity.

When to include: Required eactly once per <Publisher> composite.

Type Text
Reference <PublisherName>Aardvark Books, Inc.</PublisherName>
Short <b081>Aardvark Books, Inc.</b081>
                   <PublishingStatus> <b394> Recommended

Denotes publishing status, not product availability; supplies the global status, irrespective of geographical market. When the  book goes on sale is controlled by the <PublishingDate> inside a <PublishingDetail> composite or a  territory-specific <MarketPublishingDetail> composite, rather than the publishing status.

When to include: Required when not sending separate publishing statuses per market region.

List 64 Values 00 - Unspecified (no effect)
01 - Cancelled
02 - Forthcoming
03 - Postponed indefinitely
04 - Active
05 - No longer our product
06 - Out of stock indefinitely
07 - Out of print
08 - Inactive
09 - Unknown (no effect)
10 - Remaindered
11 - Withdrawn from sale
Reference <PublishingStatus>04</PublishingStatus>
Short <b394>04</b394>
                  <PublishingDate> <publishingdate> Required

Global date of publication.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: A <PublishingDate> composite with at least <PublishingDateRole> value of 01 is required. Additional market-specific publishing dates can be specified in <MarketPublishingDetail>.

Reference <PublishingDate>...</PublishingDate>
Short <publishingdate>...</publishingdate>
                           <PublishingDateRole> <x448> Required - Use to enable pre-orders

ONIX code indicating what type of publishing date is provided.

Use a <PublishingDate> composite with a <PublishingDateRole> with a value of 02 (Embargo Date) to prevent your book from going on sale until the day specified in the enclosed <Date>.

When to include: Required exactly once per <PublishingDate> composite.

List 163 Values

01 - Publishing Date
02 - Embargo Date

Reference <PublishingDateRole>01</PublishingDateRole>
Short <x448>01</x448>
Example: To prevent your book from going on sale until January 1st, 2016 in any market, specify a publishing date and an embargo date:
   <Date dateformat="00">20151201</Date>
   <Date dateformat="00">20160101</Date>
                           <Date> <b306> Required

The date specified in <PublishingDateRole>.

When to include: Required exactly once per <PublishingDate> composite.

Type Date of default format YYYYMMDD (different formats specified with the dateformat attribute, using Code List 55 values)
Reference <Date dateformat="00">20150101</Date>
Short <b306 dateformat="00">20150101</b306>

Sales rights

                    <SalesRights> <salesrights> Required

Repeatable group specifying sales rights per territory.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required for a book to be available for sale on the Google Play store.

Reference <SalesRights>...</SalesRights>
Short <salesrights>...</salesrights>
                           <SalesRightsType> <b089> Required

ONIX code indicating the type of sales rights being described

When to include: Required exactly once per <SalesRights> composite.

List 46 Values 01 - For sale with exclusive rights in the specified countries or territories
02 - For sale with non-exclusive rights in the specified countries or territories
03 - Not for sale in the specified countries or territories (reason unspecified)
04 - Not for sale in the specified countries (but publisher holds exclusive rights in those countries or territories)
05 - Not for sale in the specified countries (publisher holds non-exclusive rights in those countries or territories)
06 - Not for sale in the specified countries (because publisher does not hold rights in those countries or territories)
Reference <SalesRightsType>01</SalesRightsType>
Short <b089>01</b089>
                           <Territory> <territory> Required

Group describing the territory for which sales rights are being specified.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Required exactly once per <SalesRights> composite.

Reference <Territory>...</Territory>
Short <territory>...</territory>
                                    <CountriesIncluded> <x449> Required

List of countries included in this territory; successive countries should be separated by spaces.

When to include: Either <CountriesIncluded> or <RegionsIncluded> is required exactly once per <Territory> composite.

List 91 Values

Two-letter country codes from Code List 91

Reference <CountriesIncluded>US AU CA</CountriesIncluded>
Short <x449>US AU CA</x449>
                                    <RegionsIncluded> <x450> Required

List of regions included in territory; successive regions should be separated by spaces

When to include: Either <CountriesIncluded> or <RegionsIncluded> is required exactly once per <Territory> composite.

List 49 Values ECZ - AD (Andorra), AT (Austria), BE (Belgium), CY (Cyprus), DE (Germany), EE (Estonia), FI (Finland), FR (France), GR (Greece), IE (Ireland), IT (Italy), LU (Luxembourg), MC (Monaco), ME (Montenegro), MT (Malta), NL (Netherlands), PT (Portugal), SI (Slovenia), SK (Slovakia), SM (San Marino), ES (Spain), VA (Vatican City)
Reference <RegionsIncluded>ECZ</RegionsIncluded>
Short <x450>ECZ</x450>
                                    <CountriesExcluded> <x451> Optional

List of countries excluded from the territory; successive countries should be separated by spaces.

When to include: Optional.

List 91 Values Based on two-letter ISO 3166-1 country codes
Reference <CountriesExcluded>US AU CA</CountriesExcluded>
Short <x451>US AU CA</x451>
                                    <RegionsExcluded> <x452> Optional

List of regions excluded; successive regions should be separated by spaces

When to include: Optional.

List 49 Values ECZ - Eurozone: AD (Andorra), AT (Austria), BE (Belgium), CY (Cyprus), DE (Germany), EE (Estonia), FI (Finland), FR (France), GR (Greece), IE (Ireland), IT (Italy), LU (Luxembourg), MC (Monaco), ME (Montenegro), MT (Malta), NL (Netherlands), PT (Portugal), SI (Slovenia), SK (Slovakia), SM (San Marino), ES (Spain), VA (Vatican City)
Reference <RegionsExcluded>ECZ</RegionsExcluded>
Short <x452>ECZ</x452>
                  <ROWSalesRightsType> <x456> Optional

Used to specify the sales rights type for countries or territories not specifically listed in a <SalesRightsType> composite.

When to include: Optional.

List 46 Values 02 - For sale with non-exclusive rights in the specified countries or territories
03 - Not for sale in the specified countries or territories (reason unspecified)
04 - Not for sale in the specified countries (but publisher holds exclusive rights in those countries or territories)
05 - Not for sale in the specified countries (publisher holds non-exclusive rights in those countries or territories)
06 - Not for sale in the specified countries (because publisher does not hold rights in those countries or territories)
Reference <ROWSalesRightsType>02</ROWSalesRightsType>
Short <x456>02</x456>
         <RelatedMaterial> <relatedmaterial> Recommended

Provides references to related products (e.g. the print version of a digital book). Non-repeatable.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Recommended.

Reference <RelatedMaterial>...</RelatedMaterial>
Short <relatedmaterial>...</relatedmaterial>
                  <RelatedProduct> <relatedproduct> Recommended

Repeatable group which describes a single related product.

Type:Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Recommended.

Reference <RelatedProduct>...</RelatedProduct>
Short <relatedproduct>...</relatedproduct>
                           <ProductRelationCode> <x455> Required in this composite

Repeatable ONIX code which specifies how the product is related.

Type: Repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once per <RelatedProduct> composite.

List 51 Values 01 - Includes
02 - Is part of
03 - Replaces
05 - Replaced by
06 - Alternative format
11 - Is other-language version of
13 - Epublication based on (print product)
14 - Epublication is distributed as
15 - Epublication is a rendering of
27 - Electronic version available as
Reference <ProductRelationCode>06</ProductRelationCode>
Short <x455>06</x455>
                           <ProductIdentifier> <productidentifier> Required under this composite

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once for each <Product> or <RelatedProduct> composite.

Reference <ProductIdentifier>...</ProductIdentifier>
Short <productidentifier>...</productidentifier>
                                    <ProductIDType> <b221> Required in this composite

ONIX code specifying the Product Identifier type provided.

When to include: Required exactly once per <ProductIdentifier> composite.

List 5 Values 02 - ISBN-10
03 - EAN-13 / GTIN-13 (must be an ISBN)
04 - UPC (must be an ISBN)
15 - ISBN-13
Reference <ProductIDType>15</ProductIDType>
Short <b221>15</b221>
Where possible, Google recommends using <ProductIDType>15</ProductIDType>, and providing the product's eISBN-13 value as the ID Value.
                                    <IDValue> <b244> Required in this composite

When to include: Required exactly once per <ProductIdentifier> composite.

Type Numeric, of the type specified in the Product ID Type
Reference <IDValue>9789999999991</IDValue>
Short <b244>9789999999991</b244>
                           <ProductForm> <b012> Optional

ONIX code specifying the form of the related product -- should match the <ProductForm> specified for the main <Product> record with the same ID as specified in this <RelatedProduct> record.

When to include: Optional.

List 150 Values

AJ - Downloadable audio file
BA - Book
BB - Hardback
BC - Paperback / softback
CE - Globe
EA - Digital (delivered electronically)
EB - Digital download and online
EC - Digital online
ED - Digital download
FC - Slides
FF - Film
PH - Kit
PI - Sheet music
PN - Pictures or photographs
VA - Video
VJ - VHS video
VK - Betamax video
VZ - Other video format

Reference <ProductForm>EA</ProductForm>
Short <b012>EA</b012>
                           <ProductFormDetail> <b333> Optional

ONIX code specifying the form detail of the related product -- should match the <ProductForm> specified for the main <Product> record with the same ID as specified in this <RelatedProduct> record.

When to include: Optional.

List 175 Values

E101 - EPUB
E102 - OEB
E107 - PDF
E133 - Google Edition

Reference <ProductFormDetail>E101</ProductFormDetail>
Short <b333>E101</b333>

Supply detail and prices

           <ProductSupply> <productsupply> Required - Use to enable books for sale

Specifies product supply details per market.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required to sell books on Google Play.

Reference <ProductSupply>...</ProductSupply>
Short <productsupply>...</productsupply>
                  <Market> <market> Required

Specifies the geographical territory where the product supply details apply.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required.

Reference <Market>...</Market>
Short <market>...</market>
                  <Territory> <territory> Required

Group describing the territory for which sales rights are being specified.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Required exactly once per <SalesRights> composite.

Reference <Territory>...</Territory>
Short <territory>...</territory>
                           <CountriesIncluded> <x449> Required

List of countries included in this territory; successive countries should be separated by spaces.

When to include: Either <CountriesIncluded> or <RegionsIncluded> is required exactly once per <Territory> composite.

List 91 Values

Two-letter country codes from Code List 91

Reference <CountriesIncluded>US AU CA</CountriesIncluded>
Short <x449>US AU CA</x449>
                           <RegionsIncluded> <x450> Required

List of regions included in territory; successive regions should be separated by spaces

When to include: Either <CountriesIncluded> or <RegionsIncluded> is required exactly once per <Territory> composite.

List 49 Values ECZ - AD (Andorra), AT (Austria), BE (Belgium), CY (Cyprus), DE (Germany), EE (Estonia), FI (Finland), FR (France), GR (Greece), IE (Ireland), IT (Italy), LU (Luxembourg), MC (Monaco), ME (Montenegro), MT (Malta), NL (Netherlands), PT (Portugal), SI (Slovenia), SK (Slovakia), SM (San Marino), ES (Spain), VA (Vatican City)
Reference <RegionsIncluded>ECZ</RegionsIncluded>
Short <x450>ECZ</x450>
                           <CountriesExcluded> <x451> Optional

List of countries excluded from the territory; successive countries should be separated by spaces.

When to include: Optional.

List 91 Values Based on two-letter ISO 3166-1 country codes
Reference <CountriesExcluded>US AU CA</CountriesExcluded>
Short <x451>US AU CA</x451>
                           <RegionsExcluded> <x452> Optional

List of regions excluded; successive regions should be separated by spaces

When to include: Optional.

List 49 Values ECZ - Eurozone: AD (Andorra), AT (Austria), BE (Belgium), CY (Cyprus), DE (Germany), EE (Estonia), FI (Finland), FR (France), GR (Greece), IE (Ireland), IT (Italy), LU (Luxembourg), MC (Monaco), ME (Montenegro), MT (Malta), NL (Netherlands), PT (Portugal), SI (Slovenia), SK (Slovakia), SM (San Marino), ES (Spain), VA (Vatican City)
Reference <RegionsExcluded>ECZ</RegionsExcluded>
Short <x452>ECZ</x452>
                  <MarketPublishingDetail> <marketpublishingdetail> Optional

Specifies publishing details per market.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Should be provided for publishing details specific to the given market when those details do not match the onces given in the global <PublishingDetail> composite.

Reference <MarketPublishingDetail>...</MarketPublishingDetail>
Short <marketpublishingdetail>...</marketpublishingdetail>
                           <MarketPublishingStatus> <j407> Required in this composite

Specifies publishing status details per market.

When to include: Required exactly once per <MarketPublishingDetail> composite.

List 68 Values 00 - Unspecified (no effect)
01 - Cancelled
02 - Forthcoming
03 - Postponed indefinitely
04 - Active
05 - No longer our product
06 - Out of stock indefinitely
07 - Out of print
08 - Inactive
09 - Unknown (no effect)
10 - Remaindered
11 - Withdrawn from sale
Reference <MarketPublishingStatus>04</MarketPublishingStatus>
Short <j407>04</j407>
                           <MarketDate> <marketdate> Optional

Specifies a date associated with the market publishing detail. See the global <PublishingDate> composite for an example of how to provide an embargo date.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Optional.

Reference <MarketDate>...</MarketDate>
Short <marketdate>...</marketdate>
                                    <MarketDateRole> <j408> Required in this composite

Significance of the date.

When to include: Required exactly once per <MarketDate> composite.

List 163 Values

01 - Publishing Date
02 - Embargo Date

Reference <MarketDateRole>01</MarketDateRole>
Short <j408>01</j408>
                                    <Date> <b306> Required in this composite

The date associated with the Market Publishing Detail.

When to include: Required per <MarketDate> composite.

Type Date of default format YYYYMMDD (different formats specified with the dateformat attribute, using Code List 55 values)
Reference <Date dateformat="00">20150101</Date>
Short <b306 dateformat="00">20150101</b306>
                  <SupplyDetail> <supplydetail> Required

Repeatable composite containing information about a product's supply, source, availability, and price.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Required at least once per <ProductSupply> composite.

Reference <SupplyDetail>...</SupplyDetail>
Short <supplydetail>...</supplydetail>
                           <Supplier> <supplier> Required

Information about the supplier.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Required at least once per <SupplyDetail>.

Reference <Supplier>...</Supplier>
Short <supplier>...</supplier>
                                    <SupplierRole> <j292> Required

ONIX code specifying the role that the supplier plays.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Supplier> composite.

List 93 Values 00 - Unspecified
01 - Publisher to retailers
02 - Publisher's exclusive distributor to retailers
03 - Publisher's non-exclusive distributor to retailers
04 - Wholesaler
05 - Sales agent
06 - Publisher's distributor to retailers
07 - POD supplier
08 - Retailer
09 - Publisher to end-customers
10 - Exclusive distributor to end-customers
11 - Non-exclusive distributor to end-customers
12 - Distributor to end-customers
Reference <SupplierRole>01</SupplierRole>
Short <j292>01</j292>
                           <SupplierName> <j137> Required

The supplier name.

When to include: Required.

Type Text
Reference <SupplierName>ABC Supplier Co.</SupplierName>
Short <j137>ABC Supplier Co.</j137>
                           <ProductAvailability> <j396> Required

ONIX code specifying the product availability from the supplier.

When to include: Required exactly once per <SupplyDetail>.

List 65 Values 01 - Cancelled
10 - Not yet available
11 - Awaiting stock
12 - Not yet available, will be POD
20 - Available
21 - In stock
22 - To order
23 - POD
30 - Temporarily unavailable
31 - Out of stock
32 - Reprinting
33 - Awaiting reissue
40 - Not available (reason unspecified)
41 - Not available, replaced by new product
42 - Not available, other format available
43 - No longer supplied by us
44 - Apply direct
45 - Not sold separately
46 - Withdrawn from sale
47 - Remaindered
48 - Not available, replaced by POD
Reference <ProductAvailability>20</ProductAvailability>
Short <j396>20</j396>
                           <UnpricedItemType> <j192> Required to enable free books

ONIX code specifying products that are free of charge, products where a price has not yet been announced, or products where no price is applicable. In particular, for free of charge products, <UnpricedItemType> 01 should always be used in place of a <Price> composite where the Price amount is zero.

When to include: Required exactly once per <SupplyDetail>.

List 57 Values

01 - Free of charge

The remaining list 57 values are not supported.

Reference <UnpricedItemType>01</UnpricedItemType>
Short <j192>01</j192>
                           <SupplyDate> <supplydate> Optional

Specifies a date associated with the <SupplyDetail>.

Type: Composite, repeatable.

When to include: Optional.

Reference <SupplyDate>...</SupplyDate>
Short <supplydate>...</supplydate>
                                    <SupplyDateRole> <x461> Required in this composite

Significance of the Supply Date.

When to include: Required exactly once per <SupplyDate> composite.

List 166 Values 02 - Embargo Date
Reference <SupplyDateRole>02</SupplyDateRole>
Short <x461>02</x461>
                                    <Date> <b306> Required in this composite

The date associated with the Supply Detail.

When to include: Required exactly once per <SupplyDate> composite.

Type Date of default format YYYYMMDD (different formats specified with the dateformat attribute, using Code List 55 values)
Reference <Date dateformat="00">20150101</Date>
Short <b306 dateformat="00">20150101</b306>
                           <Price> <price> Required for the book to go on sale

Specifies a unit price; required for a book to be available for sale.

See our article on currency conversion for help with prices and currencies.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Each <SupplyDetail> must contain either one or more <Price> composites.

Reference <Price>...</Price>
Short <price>...</price>
                                    <PriceType> <x462> Required

When to include: Required exactly once per <Price> composite.

The <PriceType> value provided for a given country or territory should match the sales territory setting that you provided for that same country or territory, in the Payment Center of your account.
If you have multiple sales territory settings in your Payment Center (e.g., a sales territory with the default retail-recommended price setting, and another sales territory with a fixed-price setting), you'll need to provide separate price composites matching these settings (see example).
In case of mismatch, your books won't be live in that given country or territory.
List 58 Values 01 - RRP excluding tax
02 - RRP including tax
03 - Fixed retail price excluding tax
04 - Fixed retail price including tax
41 - Publishers retail price excluding tax
42 - Publishers retail price including tax
Reference <PriceType>01</PriceType>
Short <x462>01</x462>

Example: For a book with a listed price of 7.99€, and the following sales territory configuration in the Payment Center:

  • "WORLD", with the default recommended price setting.
  • "DE,AT" (by way of example only), with a fixed-price setting ("I'm subject to fixed pricing laws in these countries" checkbox, accessible by clicking Edit next to the sales territory).
Send the following:



       <CountriesIncluded>DE AT</RegionsIncluded>
                                    <PriceQualifier> <j261> Optional

Specify additional information about the price type.

When to include: Optional.

List 59 Values

00 - Unqualified price
05 - Consumer price

Reference <PriceQualifier>00</PriceQualifier>
Short <j261>00</j261>
                                    <PriceAmount> <j151> Required

Amount in specified currency; do not specify a price of 0.00.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Price>.

Type Non-zero, positive decimal-point number
Reference <PriceAmount>3.99</PriceAmount>
Short <j151>3.99</j151>
                                    <CurrencyCode> <j152> Required

Specifies the currency for which <PriceAmount> is supplied.

When to include: Required exactly once per <Price> composite, unless <DefaultCurrencyCode> is supplied.

Type Fixed-length text -- 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code from Code List 96
Reference <CurrencyCode>USD</CurrencyCode>
Short <j152>USD</j152>
                                    <Territory> <territory> Required

Group describing the territory for which sales rights are being specified.

Type: Composite.

When to include: Required exactly once per <SalesRights> composite.

Reference <Territory>...</Territory>
Short <territory>...</territory>
                                             <CountriesIncluded> <x449> Required

List of countries included in this territory; successive countries should be separated by spaces.

When to include: Either <CountriesIncluded> or <RegionsIncluded> is required exactly once per <Territory> composite.

List 91 Values

Two-letter country codes from Code List 91

Reference <CountriesIncluded>US AU CA</CountriesIncluded>
Short <x449>US AU CA</x449>
                                             <RegionsIncluded> <x450> Required

List of regions included in territory; successive regions should be separated by spaces

When to include: Either <CountriesIncluded> or <RegionsIncluded> is required exactly once per <Territory> composite.

List 49 Values ECZ - AD (Andorra), AT (Austria), BE (Belgium), CY (Cyprus), DE (Germany), EE (Estonia), FI (Finland), FR (France), GR (Greece), IE (Ireland), IT (Italy), LU (Luxembourg), MC (Monaco), ME (Montenegro), MT (Malta), NL (Netherlands), PT (Portugal), SI (Slovenia), SK (Slovakia), SM (San Marino), ES (Spain), VA (Vatican City)
Reference <RegionsIncluded>ECZ</RegionsIncluded>
Short <x450>ECZ</x450>
                                             <CountriesExcluded> <x451> Optional

List of countries excluded from the territory; successive countries should be separated by spaces.

When to include: Optional.

List 91 Values Based on two-letter ISO 3166-1 country codes
Reference <CountriesExcluded>US AU CA</CountriesExcluded>
Short <x451>US AU CA</x451>
                                             <RegionsExcluded> <x452> Optional

List of regions excluded; successive regions should be separated by spaces

When to include: Optional.

List 49 Values ECZ - Eurozone: AD (Andorra), AT (Austria), BE (Belgium), CY (Cyprus), DE (Germany), EE (Estonia), FI (Finland), FR (France), GR (Greece), IE (Ireland), IT (Italy), LU (Luxembourg), MC (Monaco), ME (Montenegro), MT (Malta), NL (Netherlands), PT (Portugal), SI (Slovenia), SK (Slovakia), SM (San Marino), ES (Spain), VA (Vatican City)
Reference <RegionsExcluded>ECZ</RegionsExcluded>
Short <x452>ECZ</x452>
                                    <PriceDate> <pricedate> Optional - Use to submit promotional prices

Specifies a date associated with the price.

When to include: Optional.

You can now set limited-time promotional prices via ONIX, using <Price>, <PriceDateRole> with values of 14 and 15, and <Date>.
  • Promotional prices will go live at midnight in the purchaser's time zone.
  • For a one-day sale, put the same date for the start and end dates. A book scheduled for a one-day sale will go on sale at 00:00:00 in the time zone of each country where it's sold and will go off sale at 23:59:59 on the same day.
  • The date specified by the Until Date is included during the promotional price period.
  • For promotional prices, submit ONIX at least 48 hours prior to the From Date Inclusive date.
  • Any price (promotional or recurring) that does not exist in the most recent ONIX submission will be lost. Therefore, each ONIX submission must include all prices.
Reference <PriceDate>...</PriceDate>
Short <pricedate>...</pricedate>

Example: To create a promotional price of USD 4.99 that is limited to the U.S., will be in effect from December 21st, 2015, through January 2nd, 2016, send the below. The price in the U.S. will be as shown on the following dates:

  • December 20th, 2015: USD 9.99
  • December 21st, 2015: USD 4.99
  • January 2nd, 2016: USD 4.99
  • January 3rd, 2016: USD 9.99

<!-- Specify the current non-promotional price for U.S. only -->
    <Date dateformat="00">20151101</Date>
    <Date dateformat="00">20151220</Date>

<!-- Specify the promotional price from the start date to the end date, inclusive. -->
    <Date dateformat="00">20151221</Date>
    <Date dateformat="00">20160102</Date>

<!-- Specify the return to the non-promotional price. -->
    <Date dateformat="00">20160103</Date>

<!-- Specify a price for a different territory with no promotion. -->

                                             <PriceDateRole> <x476> Required in this composite

Specifies if this is a start date or end date. Both are inclusive and based on the purchaser's time zone.

When to include: Required exactly once per <PriceDate> composite.

List 173 Values 14 - From Date Inclusive
15 - Until Date
Reference <PriceDateRole>14</PriceDateRole>
Short <x476>14</x476>
                                             <Date> <b306> Required in this composite

The date associated with the price.

When to include: Required exactly once per <PriceDate> composite.

Type Date of default format YYYYMMDD (different formats specified with the dateformat attribute, using Code List 55 values)
Reference <Date dateformat="00">20150101</Date>
Short <b306 dateformat="00">20150101</b306>

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