Manage domains registered through Blogger

If you registered your domain while signing up for Blogger, you used to make payments for your domain through Google Wallet. We have since switched to a billing system. As part of this switch, we created a free Google Cloud account for you.

You use this account to manage your domain. Specifically, to manage your renewal options and make sure your payment information is up to date, you must sign in to your Google Admin console.

To access account settings in your new Google Admin console:

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin Console.
  2. From the Admin console Home page, go to Billing > Billing accounts.
  3. Next to your Domain Registration subscription, click Actions and then Access billing account.

    If you're accessing your Admin console for the first time since we set up your free Google Cloud account, you'll be asked to verify your billing information. For details, see Verify billing information for legacy domain registrations.

After you access your Admin Console, you’ll see the username or We suggest you rename this user to a custom name you can more easily remember, like

To manage future payments and renewals:

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