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Important changes to Data Transfer

Updated November, 2021

As part of our ongoing commitment to user privacy we are in the process of making important changes to our  Data Transfer feature in Display & Video 360 and Campaign Manager 360.

  • YouTube: We no longer populate the encrypted UserID and PartnerID fields in Data Transfer for impressions served on YouTube inventory globally and recorded in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360.
  • Google Marketing Platform: We no longer populate encrypted UserID and PartnerID fields in Data Transfer for certain events recorded in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360.
  • Authorized Buyers (formerly DoubleClick Ad Exchange): We removed encrypted cookie IDs and list names (if used) from the Data Transfer file for all global bid requests to Authorized buyers. 

We recognize these changes may be disruptive to you and the systems that power your digital marketing. Ad reporting is an important part of the digital ecosystem, providing efficiency for agencies and their clients, and we are committed to partnering with you to help refine strategies to effectively use and manage data based on these changes. We are investing heavily in the expansion of Ads Data Hub and providing alternative solutions and services for many key use cases such as custom attribution, audience management, media optimization, and offline-to-online.

Your account team will partner with you to discuss these changes and how best to minimize disruption or provide alternate solutions.

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