Požadovaná stránka aktuálně není k dispozici ve vašem jazyce. V dolní části stránky však můžete vybrat jiný jazyk, případně pomocí funkce překladu integrované v prohlížeči Google Chrome jakoukoli stránku okamžitě přeložit do vybraného jazyka.

Integration with IAB CCPA Framework Technical Specifications

Google is not currently a signatory to the IAB Privacy’s Limited Service Provider Contract. We have however integrated with the IAB CCPA Framework v2.0 Technical Specifications in Authorized Buyers as detailed below.

Technical integration

Google supports the IAB Tech Lab’s v2.0 technical specifications for reading the us_privacy string in our publisher ad products and applies restricted data processing when the string indicates a user has opted out (additional detail below).

Our ad tags will interact with the publisher’s page to retrieve the us_privacy string. Publishers who choose to use the IAB signal should follow the technical specification provided by the IAB Tech Lab to implement the us_privacy string on their pages.

  • When the IAB string indicates a user has not opted out, there will be no changes to ad serving behavior and the IAB signal will not be propagated further to other vendors.
  • When the IAB string indicates a user has opted out, Google will enable restricted data processing. When restricted data processing is enabled, Google redacts all durable identifiers and IP addresses from bid requests, and generalizes the User-Agent string. Learn more about Non-personalized ad requests.

Funding Choices

Funding Choices now offers a CCPA message solution.

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