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Inventory Discovery overview

Plan campaigns, discover new opportunities and set realistic expectations

Inventory Discovery is designed to help you plan your campaigns with confidence. Set accurate expectations for future ad inventory and discover new opportunities without needing to run your own experiments.

A wide variety of targeting options lets you narrow your results and investigate unfamiliar markets. Learn more about viewing your inventory and statistics in the Marketplace.


  • Discover the number, price, sites, demographics and more of all impressions your current campaigns will target.

  • Incorporate publisher blocking settings for the most realistic estimate possible.

  • Troubleshoot your current creatives: Enter a buyer_creative_id and get back realistic estimates incorporating your declared ad sizes, landing pages, and creative categories.

  • User lists: Predict the reach and CPMs of your user lists.

  • Explore new inventory in unfamiliar markets, with fine-grained demographic and regional settings.

  • Investigate a Preferred Deal or Private Auction: Discover the inventory available through a specific active deal. (For offer forecasting, go to the Marketplace)

  • Break out by format: Mobile interstitial, HTML5, Flash, pre-roll, content ratings, and many more dimensions.

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