Set up & use Google Assistant on your TV

You can ask questions and complete tasks on some TVs with Google Assistant.

On TVs with the Google Assistant, the Assistant is available in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. More languages are coming soon.

Set up a TV with the Google Assistant

If a TV works with Google Assistant, its package will say so. For example, some 2018 and newer LG, Samsung, and Dish TVs work with Google Assistant.

What you’ll need

  • A TV with the Assistant built in
  • The Google Assistant app Assistant
  • A Google Account
  • An iPhone or iPad that:
    • Runs iOS 10 and up
    • Works with a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network
  • An internet connection and secure wireless network

Start your setup on an iPhone

  1. Connect your TV to the same Wi-Fi network as your iPhone.
  2. Install recent updates on your iPhone.
  3. Get the most recent version of the Google Assistant app Assistant:
    • On your iPhone or iPad, go to the app store and tap Get or Update.
    • If it says "Open," you already have the latest version.
  4. To start the setup, on your iPhone, open your Google Assistant app Assistant and say, "Set up my Assistant device."
    • Note: You can also open a web browser, like Safari, and go to
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions.

Sign in to your Google Account

When you sign in to your Google Account, you can ask Google Assistant to perform tasks like:

  • Control your smart home devices
  • Search and show your Google Photos
  • Manage your Google Calendar and daily routines

While some manufacturers require you to sign in when you set up your TV, others give you the choice to sign in anytime after setup. To sign in to your Google Account:

  1. On your remote, press the Google Assistant button Assistant.
  2. Ask for a personalized result. Say something like “show my photos” or “what’s on my calendar.”
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Tip: For instructions specific to your TV, contact your manufacturer.

Do more on your TV with your voice

On your remote, press the Google Assistant button Assistant and ask a question or say a command.

Watch TV
  • Movies & TV shows:
    • Play Stranger Things on Netflix.
    • Play [show or movie title] on [streaming service].
  • Search:
    • Find romantic movies.
    • Search for sitcoms.
    • Show me sci-fi TV shows.
    • Show me [actor or actress name] movies.
  • Video clips: Play funny cat videos.
  • Apps: Open YouTube.
  • Info: Tell me about Game of Thrones.
Control your TV
  • Playback: Pause. Stop. Resume.
  • Channels:
    • Change to BBC News.
    • Switch to CNN.
    • Channel [name or number].
  • Volume:
    • Louder. Volume up.
    • Softer. Volume down.
    • Set volume to [number].
  • Input:
    • Switch to HDMI 2.
    • Connect to bluetooth.
  • Power: Turn off.

Tip: You can also ask Google Assistant to do more tasks like control your smart home devices. Learn more about what you can ask Google Assistant.

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