[UA] Manage segments

Import, edit, share, and delete custom segments.
In this article:


Import segments

You can import segments from the Analytics Solutions Gallery. The Solutions Gallery is a free marketplace where you can post solutions that you’ve developed, like segments that you think might be useful to other Analytics users, and you can download solutions that other Analytics users have posted.

When you import a segment from the Solutions Gallery, you import only the configuration for the segment. You do not import any data.

To import a segment:

  1. Open the segments list.
  2. Click Import from gallery...
    segments list with Import-from-gallery button highlighted.

    ...to open the Analytics Solutions Gallery.
    Solutions Gallery panel, filtered to show only segments.

    A panel opens with the contents of the Solutions Gallery already filtered to show only segments. You can see the Type:segments filter at the top.
  3. Use the sort and filter options to further narrow the content.
  4. When you find the segment you want, click Import below the segment description...
    Solutions Gallery, segment Import button highlighted.

    ...to open the segment-import panel.
    segment import panel, with options for choosing the destination views.
  5. Set the import options:
    • Select Any view to make the segment available in all views in the current Analytics account for which you have permission.
    • Select the second option and then pick a specific view from the menu if you want to make the segment available in only one view.
    • Give the segment a new name if necessary.
  6. Click Create.
    The segment builder opens with the configuration of the segment.
    Filter configuration for imported segment.
  7. You can rename the segment, and you can modify the existing filters and add new ones if you like.
  8. When you have the segment configured as you want, click Save.
    The imported segment is available in the segments list.
    Imported segment in segments list.


Edit segments

You can edit any custom segment that you have created (either from scratch, by copying an existing segment, by importing, or by receiving a shared segment). You cannot edit the system segments that come preconfigured with Analytics.

To edit a segment:

  1. Open the segments list.
  2. Locate the segment you want to edit, then click Actions > Edit...
    Segments list, Actions menu open, Edit command selected for Cart Abandonment segment.

    ...to open the segment builder with the configuration of the segment you’re editing.
    Segment builder, Conditions filters for Check-Out Abandonment segment.
  3. You can rename the segment, and you can modify the existing filters and add new ones if you like.
  4. When you have the segment configured as you want, click Save.


Copy segments

You can copy an existing segment to use as the basis for another segment. For example, you might have an existing segment that identifies a particular cohort, and you want to segment even further to examine a particular age group within that cohort.

To copy a segment:

  1. Open the segments list.
  2. Locate the segment you want to copy, then click Actions > Copy...
    Segments Action menu, Copy command.
    ...to open the segment builder with the configuration of the segment you are copying.
    Segment builder with configuration of copied segment.
  3. Modify the segment configuration to add any additional filters you want. For example, to add an Age filter to a cohort segment, click Demographics, and select the age groups you want to examine.
    segment builder with Age 35-44 filter added.
  4. When you finish adding additional filters, give the segment a new name, and then click Save.


Share segments

You can share segments you create with other Analytics users. When you share a segment, you share the configuration, but you do not share any of the data.

You now have the option to share bulk i.e. 20 segments at same time.

To share a segment:

  1. Open the segments list.
  2. Locate the segment you want to share, then click Actions > Share...
    segments list, Actions menu open, Share command selected for Featured Articles segment.

    ...to open the Share panel.
    URL to share segment configuration.
  3. Copy the URL, and paste it in an email or text message.

    When the recipient of the message clicks the URL, the segment-import panel opens with options to set the Analytics views in which that person wants the segment available.
    segment import panel, with options for choosing the destination views.


Set segment availability

When you create or edit a segment, you can set the following options:

  • I can apply/edit segment in any View (only the current user can apply the segment to report data and edit the segment configuration, and can do so in any Analytics View)
  • I can apply/edit segment in this View (only the current user can apply the segment to report data and edit the segment configuration, and can do so in only the current Analytics View)
  • Collaborators and I can apply/edit segment in this View (the current user and any user with the Analyst role permission can apply the segment to report data and edit the segment configuration, and can do so in only the current Analytics View)

To set these options:

  1. At the top of the Summary pane, where the current availability option is displayed, click Change.
    Summary pane, with current availability option.
  2. Select the availability option you want, then click OK.
    Availability options.


Delete segments

You can delete any custom segment that you have created (either from scratch, by copying an existing segment, by importing, or by receiving a shared segment). You cannot delete the system segments that come preconfigured with Analytics.

To delete a segment:

  1. Open the segments list.
  2. Locate the segment you want to delete, then click Actions > Delete.

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