Use the Conversion reports to track performance objectives and revenue targets.
Goals are a versatile way to measure how well your app fulfills customized, targeted objectives. You can set up individual Goals to track discrete actions like a minimum session duration or completing a certain level in a game, and use the reports to measure conversions, or completion rates of these actions.
Ecommerce reports let you track in-app purchase data, including product or service sales, total revenue, and revenue per transaction. You can also track the average number of sessions it takes to complete a transaction.
Both Goals and Ecommerce reporting require additional setup in your Analytics account. Ecommerce also requires modifications to app source code. Data does not appear in these reports until you complete the required additional setup.
In this article:Goals
Follow the instructions to set up Goals. The process for a web or an app reporting view is the same.
Once you’ve completed setting up Goals, you’ll see data in the reports described here. By default, these reports display data for all your Goals. To view data for a specific Goal in any report, select from the Goal Option drop down menu above the Overview tab.
Get a performance summary of your Goals. See the number of Goal Completions, Conversion Rate and Abandonment Rate, and any value you may have associated with your Goals. You can also see the a list of the top Goal Completion Locations, or the screens with the highest conversion rate.
Goal Screens
The Goal Completion Location lets you see how well each screen with Goals performs, including the total number of Goal Completions and the total Goal Value associated with each screen.
Goal Flow
The Goal Flow Report visualizes the path your users traveled towards a Goal. This report can help you see how well users completed a targeted objective in your app. The Goal Flow Report is the same for web and app properties. Read the Goal Flow articles.
The Goal Flow Report is a part of the family of Flow Visualization Reports. Read About Flow reports and Using Flow reports.Ecommerce
After you’ve set up Ecommerce tracking, you’ll see these reports in your account:
Use the Overview report to get a summary of Ecommerce data, including the Revenue, total number of Transactions, the percentage of sessions that included a transaction (Ecommerce Conversion Rate), and the Average Value of transactions that happen within your app. You can also see the top selling Products and what percentage each contributes to total sales.
Product Performance
Analyze product metrics, including the total Quantity sold, the number of Unique Purchases, and the Product Revenue. Depending on which transaction and item fields you include in your Ecommerce set up, you can also see Product Categories and SKUs.
Remember that you can define what a “product” is when you set up Ecommerce tracking, and that you can include intangible, digital purchases, like access to a higher game level or an information package.
Sales Performance
See the Dates and Revenue from all sales. By default, these reports show data for the Total Revenue. Click Conversion Rate and Average Order Value links beneath the Explorer tab for other data.
See more detailed transaction data, including the Tax, Shipping, and other additional fees for individual transactions.
Time to purchase
Find out the number of days each transaction takes.