About the "Landing pages" page

In this article

Why are landing pages important?

A landing page is the page on your website where customers land after clicking one of your ads. One of the best and easiest ways to get better results from your mobile ads is to improve the speed of your landing pages. Effective landing pages are key to getting conversions from your Google Ads traffic.

For example, in retail, we’ve seen that a 1 second delay in mobile can impact mobile conversions by up to 20 percent.

Quick start

To explore what you can do with the “Landing pages” page, learn how to evaluate the performance of your landing pages.

What's in Google's "Landing pages" page?

The "Landing pages" page provides a performance breakdown for the pages you’re sending traffic to from your ads. This report provides performance metrics such as clicks, cost, conversion rate and much more. It also shows performance data for each landing page URL, including both the Final URL and the Mobile Final URL.

You’ll also find the expansions of those landing page URLs in the report. An expansion is the URL that users reach after contextual substitutions have been made, such as keywords, or after custom parameters have been added to the landing page URL. Learn more about URL parameters

Your expanded landing page data is available from November 9, 2017.

Improving mobile landing pages

There are 3 metrics that can help you identify which of your landing pages could provide a better experience on mobile devices:

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