About callout assets

Callouts can improve your text ads by promoting unique offers to shoppers, like free shipping or 24-hour customer service. When you create a callout, it appears with your ad on a computer or mobile device. When customers notice your ads, they get detailed information about your business, products, and services.

With callouts, you can show up to 10 callouts in addition to the text of your ad, depending on the character spacing, browser, and device you’re using. Callouts also show in a variety of ways depending on the device and other factors. While callouts on a computer are separated by dots and listed on a single line, callouts on mobile and tablet devices wrap in paragraph form. Ads with callouts can show at the top and bottom of Google search results.

Here's what an ad with callouts might look like on a computer:

An illustrated example of callouts in a search ad.

In this article, you’ll learn how callouts work and how you can create, edit, remove, and schedule them.

How it works

You can add callouts at the account, campaign, or ad group level. You choose where to add them, create the callout text, and schedule when you’d like them to appear. The order of your callouts, their length, and how they perform factor into how many callouts appear, and whether a callout will show for your ad.

A good rule of thumb is to provide more general information that’s applicable to your entire business, such as “24/7 phone support” at the account and campaign levels, and provide more specific information, such as “free gift wrapping” at the ad group level. If you add callouts to an ad group that’s in a campaign that already has callouts, the ads in that ad group will use the ad group-level callouts (rather than the callouts you’ve attached to the campaign).

Note: There's no cost to add a callout, but you'll be charged as usual for clicks on your ad.

The order of your callouts, their length, and how they perform factor into how many callouts appear, and whether a callout will show for your ad.

Callout assets at the account, campaign, or ad group level

  • Callouts defined at all levels within a specific “branch” of the account > campaign > ad group hierarchy can appear together. For example, callouts in one campaign will not appear in another campaign.
  • Callout assets should be created at a level that makes sense for all subsequent portions of the account hierarchy.
  • For example, if a callout applies to all ad groups in an entire account, the callout should be added at the account level.
  • If a callout only applies to a subset of campaigns, it should be added to only the relevant campaigns.
  • Google will choose the best callouts that will maximize your ad performance from the eligible pool of callouts.


  • Highlights your business offerings: Promote popular or unique aspects of your business with a few words or a single phrase.
  • Flexible and customizable in use: You can add callouts at the account, campaign, or ad-group levels, allowing you to include generic or detailed information within your ads. You can specify the dates, days of the week, or times of day your callouts are eligible to show.
  • Update without changing your ads: Change your callout text whenever you want, keeping your ads up-to-date with sales and special offers. Plus, you can edit your callouts without resetting their performance statistics.
  • Flexibility: Specify the dates, days of the week, or times of day your callouts are eligible to show.

Before you begin

  • Campaign types: Callouts can be added to Search Network campaigns and Search Network campaigns that have opted into the Display Network.
  • Character limits: Callout text is limited to 25 characters in most languages, or 12 characters in double-width languages (like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).
  • Make sure dynamic callouts are enabled. Keeping dynamic callouts enabled will give the system more opportunities to show assets with your ads. These callouts are expected to boost your ad’s performance and may show alongside or instead of manually created callouts. You can pause or remove an individual asset that was automatically created if you don’t want it to show with your ads anymore.
Note: Depending on the character spacing, browser, and device you’re using, you can show up to 10 callouts.


Tip: Best practices

  • Assign at account level first. Adding account level callouts can help you get to optimal callout coverage sooner but make sure that they’re relevant to all of your campaign and ad groups.
  • Provide general information about your business. Provide more general information that’s applicable to your entire business at the account and campaign levels, (like “24/7 phone support”), and provide more specific information at the ad group level (like “women’s skis” or “20% off cameras”).
  • Keep text short. Shorter text means more callouts can show in your ads. Try "Free shipping" instead of "We have free shipping."
  • Be specific. Give customers detailed information so they can decide if you have what they’re looking for. Try "34 MPG max mileage" instead of "Great fuel economy."
  • Character limits. Callout text is limited to 25 characters in most languages, or 12 characters in double-width languages (like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean). Depending on the character spacing, browser, and device you’re using, you can show up to 10 callouts.

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