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Updates to Financial products and services policy (April 2023)

Google provides translated versions of our Help Center, though they are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version is the official language we use to enforce our policies. To view this article in a different language, use the language dropdown at the bottom of the page.

In April 2023, Google will update the Financial products and services policy to clarify the scope and requirements for the advertisement of cryptocurrency related business and services.

Beginning April 28th, 2023, advertisers offering hardware wallets targeting Bahrain, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, and the United States may advertise those products and services when they meet the following requirements and are certified by Google.

Hardware wallets are designed to hold the private keys of cryptocurrencies, NFTS, or other crypto-based assets but don't offer additional services such as purchasing, selling, exchanging, or trading assets.

As a reminder, we expect all advertisers to comply with the local laws for any area that their ads target. This policy will apply globally to all accounts that advertise these financial products. For more details, see About restricted financial products certification.

Violations of this policy won't lead to immediate account suspension without prior warning. A warning will be issued, at least 7 days, before any suspension of your account.

(Posted on February 2023)

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