Report a policy violationWe regularly review sites in our program for compliance with our program policies. However, if you notice a site with Google ads that you believe is violating our program policies, please let us know by filling out the form below. Any details you can provide will help us with our investigation. Please note that reports regarding accidental clicks on your ads and inappropriate ads should not be reported using the form below. If you're not reporting a violation, please return to our Help Center and select the appropriate topic. * Required fieldEnter your contact informationName:Email address: *Please note that you will not receive a response, but we may contact you if we need more information.You are: *an AdSense publishera Google Ads advertiserneitherAdSense publisher ID number [?]Google Ads Customer ID numberPlease provide us with more detailsViolating URL: *Format: or Please submit only one violating URL in the field below. Additional example URLs may be included in the "Violation Details" field at the end of this form.Please select the type of media on which you saw the violation *websitemobile websitevideofeedAdSense for mobile policiesThis site violates AdSense for mobile ad placement policies.AdSense for video policiesThe video on this site violates AdSense content guidelines.The video on this site violates AdSense for video technical implementation policies.AdSense for feeds policiesThis feed is running feed ads from another network.Violation(s):This site contains the following:To report content in AdSense under applicable laws submit a Search DMCA here.Ad Code, Placement, or BehaviorOther:Violation details: *Please provide details about the violation(s) you see and/or include additional example URLs where the same violation occurs.SubmitSubmittedEdit requestDownload submission$0 Some account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues, and to improve our products and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email. Additional info OK Your email has been sentThank you for contacting us. We will promptly review this website to ensure that it complies with our policies and, if necessary, take the appropriate action. While we cannot comment publicly on actions we may take against an individual website, please know that we take every report seriously, and we are committed to protecting the quality of the Google Display Network for users, advertisers and publishers.Edit requestDownload submission