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Ad units

Create a In-article ad unit

To create an In-article ad unit, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Ads.
  3. Click By ad unit.
  4. Click In-article ads.
  5. Give your In-article ad unit a name.
    We recommend that you prefix the names of your In-article ad units with "Native" or something similar to help you track their performance.
  6. Style your ad to match your content. For more information, see In-article ad settings.
  7. Test how your ad will appear on different screen sizes by changing the container width in the preview area. Use the drag handle to change the width.

    Note that In-article ads are responsive by default.

  8. Click Save and get code.
  9. Copy and paste the In-article ad code on your site inside the HTML of your page. We suggest that you place the code two paragraphs below the start of the article.

    It usually takes a few minutes for ads to appear on the page, but occasionally it can take up to an hour.

Important: If you'd like to place more than one In-article ad on your page, make sure that you allow sufficient content between ads to minimise disruption to your readers.

In-article responsive ad size

In-article ads are responsive ads which means that they automatically adjust their size for the device that they're being viewed on. On mobile devices in portrait mode, In-article ads expand to use the full-width of the user's screen. On desktop and other mobile configurations, the width of an In-article ad is always equal to the width of the parent container (<div>, <iframe>, etc.) that it's inside. (Note that the minimum width for an In-article ad is 250 px.) The height of an In-article ad is automatically adjusted by AdSense.

Tracking the performance of In-article ad units

You can track the performance of your In-article ad units by viewing your Ad units report:

  1. Visit your Reports page.
  2. Open the Ad units report.
  3. Select your In-article ad units.
  4. Click Filter.

    You can now see performance data for your In-article ad units.

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